Well, got my carnage all set up last night. Really dig him! Looks great next to venom. Took close to an hour to get all the tendriles in, and still don't think they all fit right. Scratched some of the paint too, but you can't tell with everything being plack and red, so no loss. Overall a really nice piece.
Now for the bad. This guy was clearly opened and returned. On the back of his head there appears to be a scratch in the paint, not major, but still distressing. Its the only thing I can see which would make me think someone would return him. Also, his arm falls out with barely more than a tap, anyone else have this? Overall the paint id really good, but his connectible arm seems to be a less gloss paint then the rest.
Still like him overall, now I'm just waiting on Spidery, and the set will be complete!