Carnage Comiquette

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I'm still keeping mine. The ES could've been set at 5000, and I would still feel the same way about the statue. :rock
That ES is ridiculous. Carnage should have been less than Venom since he is less popular.
Sideshow wants to stop cancellations they need to get their heads out of their *****. If I didn't use points to order this I'd cancel and get a Reg. from a retailer. Especially, since I don't care for the Olivetti prints and have a Reg. Venom.
Regardless of ed. size, Sideshow's practice of withholding this info till the very last minute is a disgrace! Sideshow stop with the head games! If you want to ensure sales, try cleaning up your act, & start listening to your client base. What a bummer!!!!


pure awesomeness i bow before thee:thud:

i dont like when SS experiements with the ES on this stuff. Im going to get this regardless, but if the ES for the ex is too high, then what really makes it exclusive. If they dont post it well before payment goes through, I will prolly just cancel and order from a vendor. If SS wants to mess around and lolligag, i will do the same :wave

i didn't even realize ssc hadn't posted the ES for this one yet, but now see they've just done so at 550. which i agree seems a bit high considering venom was lower and a much more popular character.

hence the (hopefully) new ordering experiment with the Beast will stop this BS from happening anymore. sadly i think this one will be on ssc shelves for sometime to come thanks to speculators and flippers that saw the huge money that venom has been bringing and thought they'd be able to cash in on this one.

but alot of the blame has to got to ssc also, since they should have a clue as what was going on with this one and that in no way in hell should the ES have been larger than V.
Seems crazy that people are cancelling their EX now that the ES has been set at 550. I order pieces based on if I like the way they look (yeah I'm shallow :lol), not on how many of them there are going to be. Why does that even matter unless you plan on flipping it or just want to say that you have something that not many other people have?

This Carnage piece rocks! If you are a fan of the character or plan on displaying it with Venom and Spidey then I can't see how someone could cancel regardless of the ES. Hope you don't end up regretting it.
Well if you don't like the print, the Ex is not a must for this, it's the rocking sculpt that's awesome anyways.
Seems crazy that people are cancelling their EX now that the ES has been set at 550. I order pieces based on if I like the way they look (yeah I'm shallow :lol), not on how many of them there are going to be. Why does that even matter unless you plan on flipping it or just want to say that you have something that not many other people have?

This Carnage piece rocks! If you are a fan of the character or plan on displaying it with Venom and Spidey then I can't see how someone could cancel regardless of the ES. Hope you don't end up regretting it.

The point is Sideshow's whole schtick is based on limited ed., if they keep jacking them up in this underhanded way, it diminishes that "exclusive" position . All I am asking is that Sideshow post this info in a more timely manner, & let the collectors take it from there. But I do agree it is a kickass piece of work.
scalpers aside, I completely understand folks cancelling this with the high edition size. The thinking is that he will be had for less than msrp in due time. I really like him and can't wait, so will stick with my order.
just thought of something inregards to the high ES than V, it could be that the demand was actually there since many of a collector is still searching for the venom and ordered this to go along with the venom when they finally get him.

so basically the venom ES was probably way to low for the demand once he started to get such great praise.:cuckoo:
if that makes any sence to anyone:dunno
That's why collectibles that hold their value altho' few and subject to changes doesn't make this hobby a total loss. That's changing tho with more pieces, higher ES, print Exes and rehashes of characters in different scales/formats, it will get closer to Bowen pieces in the secondary market eventually. Prices of Ironman, SIM and Spidey PF have already dropped significantly in the secondary market with announcment of the comiquettes/maquettes. That's when the speculators will leave the game too.
Seems crazy that people are cancelling their EX now that the ES has been set at 550. I order pieces based on if I like the way they look (yeah I'm shallow :lol), not on how many of them there are going to be. Why does that even matter unless you plan on flipping it or just want to say that you have something that not many other people have?

This Carnage piece rocks! If you are a fan of the character or plan on displaying it with Venom and Spidey then I can't see how someone could cancel regardless of the ES. Hope you don't end up regretting it.

scalpers aside, I completely understand folks cancelling this with the high edition size. The thinking is that he will be had for less than msrp in due time. I really like him and can't wait, so will stick with my order.

Only suckers fall for that stuff anyway. I don't even pay attention to those offers anymore. If I didn't want it originally, the "last chance" offer isn't going to change my mind.

That said, I got the notice for my Carnage, and I'm stoked!

You don't need the EX on this piece so why pay a higher price for it from SS when you can get it alot cheaper from an e-tailer?? no logic in ES makes no Diff look at the Venom Com.
^^^^ all I care is that Carnage comes home safe to the Ski. Please Marvel GODS, grant me this wish, and please MARVEL GODS give the same blessing to HULK.

Make 10,000 of them I don't care, just come home safe is all I ask :lecture
The EX print was announced awhile ago, so why does the announcement of a high ES suddenly equal a cancellation?

On another note, I think I may need to make another screen name so as to avoid confusion with Skiman. I'll take suggestions but it needs to have ski in it somewhere. Mr Ski? Skiman part deux? Darth Ski? I'm open to other suggestions. Then how do I go about changing my screen name? Contact an admin?
I agree come home safe>the reason i am pissed is i have a reg with shipping to Australia payed for at a great price and i thought if the EX of Carnage is low i might be-able to recoupe some of the cost i paid over RRP for Venom.Still got my reg and if posters are your thing great
Awesome, so to answer your question, yes that's why I would get it directly from Sideshow and not a retailer because I like the prints.

If I could get a Ex from a dealer and have it be cheaper I would go that route but at last I cannot, therefore that's a no go option for myself.