I switched to flex pay to take advantage of the $10 discount a little while back. Can I ask them to just bill me in full now?
Problem is the people who paid more in this case don't get the product earlier than those who paid less. I don't have a problem if they did this a few months later if they are having problems moving the Exclusive version. But to offer it cheaper to those who originally paid for the regular is just a puzzling move.
Just requested this to be switched to flexi.
No answer yet. Normally 24-48 hours but there should be no problem with a 20 day notice. I think they refuse if its a day or two to go.
No answer yet. Normally 24-48 hours but there should be no problem with a 20 day notice. I think they refuse if its a day or two to go.
i dont like when SS experiements with the ES on this stuff. Im going to get this regardless, but if the ES for the ex is too high, then what really makes it exclusive. If they dont post it well before payment goes through, I will prolly just cancel and order from a vendor. If SS wants to mess around and lolligag, i will do the same![]()
I know it's a business Sideshow, but some of these silly marketing games are starting to really get under collectors' skins. Take heed.
Carnage EX is set at 550.....
Carnage EX is set at 550.....