Casey Anthony Trial

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I think what annoys me the most about this case is that we still don't know exactly how Caylee died. Casey may or may not have killed Caylee, but she was definitely guilty of something. You just don't wait 30 days before reporting something like this, and then lie about it so many times that you can't keep your story straight.
I would love to kill her. It would take me a long time to do it. Rope, small cuts, salt, smelling salt (to keep her from passing out), peroxide (to heal her and do it all over again).
go live your "beautiful life" now child killer...............(insert birdie flippin' smiley here)
bunch of idiot jurors in Florida.........not guilty of anything!? She's gonna get hers one day.
This goes to show that you can kill your child, throw it into a swamp, party for 31 days, and as long as skelatal remains are have a good shot of beating it, absolutely devastating.
Wasn't her dead body locked in a trunk for hella days before that though? Yea, my kid just died, I didn't tell anyone for a month, but hey, it's all good, I'm gonna go get a new Tat and live it up while I send the cops on a wild goose chase, looking for a babysitter that I completely made up.
To all of you blaming jurors and Floridians, if you've ever met one, you'd realize they would burn her to the stake if they could. If you could see every status update from my fellow Floridians, you would know this. The jurors did their job in this case. Lots of circumstantial evidence that could not prove within a reasonable doubt that she was the murderer. It could've been someone else, a family member perhaps. The difference between Casey Anthony and OJ Simpson's trials is that DNA evidence directly linked OJ to the crime scene, yet there is nothing of the sort linking Casey to the body of Caylee. No damning DNA evidence, anyway.

Did she have something to do with her daughter's death? Probably. Can the prosecutors prove it? Apparently not. Innocent until/unless proven guilty is the name of the game.
They proved that Kaylee was bound with a heart shaped piece of duct tape around her mouth and that Casey Anthony was researching things like chloroform on her computer right up until her daughter disappeared based on the decomposition of the body and that she bought duct tape right before that same time.

Even if you can't pin her for murder, she waited 31 DAYS before her mother reported her missing to the police and she was calm as hell on the phone during the first initial interviews even in police questioning and the jury said NOT GUILTY on child abuse. That is a WTF moment. Not even aggravated manslaughter after her father said on trial that he was quoted that Kaylee's death was an accident that snowballed out of control and that he swore his daughter's car smelled like a dead body for weeks. Not to mention that the defense was weak on this from the get-go.

Many of the news outlets are blaming the prosecutors for ____ing up in this
Did she have something to do with her daughter's death? Probably. Can the prosecutors prove it? Apparently not. Innocent until/unless proven guilty is the name of the game.

Kyle, I agree that a person is innocent until proven guilty, but a normal person doesn't wait 31 days to reports an accidental drowning.

Even if you can't pin her for murder, she waited 31 DAYS before her mother reported her missing to the police and she was calm as hell on the phone during the first initial interviews even in police questioning and the jury said NOT GUILTY on child abuse. That is a WTF moment. Not even aggravated manslaughter after her father said on trial that he was quoted that Kaylee's death was an accident that snowballed out of control and that he swore his daughter's car smelled like a dead body for weeks.

Exactly. :lecture
The prosecutors messed this one up big time. How in the world can you not find any DNA evidence in the car?!?!

Makes me wonder if they'll try to turn this case on the dad now. They could have enough info to get tampering with evidence.