Her dad said that it snowballed out of control. She knew something about it and hid it even with lies to the police, that is aggravated manslaughter even if it was an accident. She wait 31 days but on top of that was snapped partying, getting a tattoo that read "The Beautiful Life" while her child was missing, had flings with random guys, put herself all over Facebook with drinks in hand, smoking, partying like nothing happened and even when they did report it, she didn't cry a tear until she was arrested. If that isn't Child Abuse then I don't know what is.
You can say they didn't prove murder but for her to go scott free on everything except lying to cops? That is mindblowing. I didn't other to watch the trial but it was difficult to escape during any news based show or even the local news itself when things came out throughout the investigation and during the actual trial. Not to mention they did a timeline right now on HLN (waiting for Nancy Grace's head to explode) and even going off of the details brought up by the prosecutors it's a hard pill to swallow that she is not guilty of anything.