Cathode lightsabers - Would you buy?

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Super Freak
May 31, 2006
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Just a quick question as i have noticed alot of interest in these sabers recently.

Would you purchase a fully made and connected saber for your 12" figures?

If you would, how much would you pay for one?
NO. Too many Jedi coming and still to be announced. It would just get rediculously expensive. Plus I plan on displaying without the base which helps hide everything.
Darth Loki said:
NO. Too many Jedi coming and still to be announced. It would just get rediculously expensive. Plus I plan on displaying without the base which helps hide everything.
ive developed them so you dont need the stand to hide everything, its all housed inside the torso,there'll be pictures posted very soon of my first figure with the saber done this way.:cool:
hurricane said:
ive developed them so you dont need the stand to hide everything, its all housed inside the torso,there'll be pictures posted very soon of my first figure with the saber done this way.:cool:

That's a little better but it's still going to be expensive adding another $20-40 per Jedi/Sith 12". Though there are those with bigger pockets that I'm sure would pay.
Yes, yes and yes I would buy one......for the right price. i think $25-30 would be about right but i don't know the cost to produce so if you give me a list of the parts needed and how to assemble them I could give a more specific price that I would pay....:rolleyes:
I'm not sure how much I would pay but I would definatlly consider it since I am only going to have a couple Jedi that would need it.
i'd rather know how to make'em myself but yeah, i'd buy at least 2-3 for my fave jedis, since i wouldn't display them all at the same time w/ ignited sabers. so i'd want a few diff colors or hilts that i could change out the colored tubes. also i probably would NOT buy them unless they were made to fit inside the torso/body, of which we'd be responsible for gutting our figs of course. don't care for all the outside baggage. if the only cathode types available were external, i'd rather get the EL sabers since they've been done internally.

and hurry up Hurricane and post some tuts!
Cost is the reason that I don't sell my cathode sabers. It cost $30-40 in parts alone to make one, not to mention a couple hours of time.

Even if I sell them for $40 each, I would break even at best not even counting the hours and labor involved. Most people would only pay up to the cost of the parts, but not for the labor.

As for putting the electronics in the body, I am not sure it is practical. You would have to hollow out most of the body to put all the electronics and battery in it. I am not sure everyone here will have the tools to do that.

You would also have to destroy the body of the figure which sucks for resale. When you have to change the batteries, you would have to undress the figure.

I think the simpler solution is to attach the electronics to the base of the figure. I think most of us keep our figures on the Star Wars stands. Also, you can have an on/off switch outside the figure that you can easily turn the saber on and off. Battery changes can be made without disturbing the figure. I plan to have all my Sideshow figures outfitted with cathodes so hollowing a dozen figures is harder than building a dozen power boxes.

That's my $0.02.
Definatly if they were housed in the torso, but my question is, would the end of the saber still a wang? If so, than I'm not sure about having a glowing wang in Lukes hand.
this is straying off topic a little but im having problems with these sabers

I bought the parts today to try and build my anakin a saber and thebefore i even got underway i had the whoile thing smashed to bits in my room!!

The problem i was having is that when you buy these tubes they are all housed in some sort of packaging like the one i bought was for a car so had a glass tube around it with silver bits at each end that i couldnt find any easy way to remove and when tyryign to remove them . . . .smash and that was all my money down the drain

can anyone help me out at all?

Duckgoo said:
I think the simpler solution is to attach the electronics to the base of the figure. I think most of us keep our figures on the Star Wars stands. Also, you can have an on/off switch outside the figure that you can easily turn the saber on and off. Battery changes can be made without disturbing the figure.

What a concept. Duck, when I fnally tire of converting horses for LOTR (and get my diorama finished), I think custom bases for SW figures might be the next's an established specialty in the GK world, and there are tutorials at the Clubhouse board.
Gruff Old Bear, power to SoCal....anyway, I think the on/off switch is the way to go. Now I just need to find out how to make them...
Question for those who have done cathode sabers - the ones I've seen have a plastic casing with square ends on - do you just hacksaw through this to remove it - how is it done ? I don't really want to wreck one of these at the price they are :(
LordAzrael said:
Question for those who have done cathode sabers - the ones I've seen have a plastic casing with square ends on - do you just hacksaw through this to remove it - how is it done ? I don't really want to wreck one of these at the price they are :(

You will have to saw off the plastic casing without damaging the cathode. It is very tricky business. I usually damage a few when working with the removal process.