Catwoman Bootleg Coming (Returns not Halle)

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If I remember correctly (and I probably don't) I think a lot of hope was pinned on Nicholson's name so (as you said) they were very willing to negotiate with him.

I think Keanu Reeves worked a similar deal for the Matrix and made a mint :lol
Wow :google, WB sure makes some interesting moves :lol

Yes, the film was sold based on Nicholson's name more than anything. He earned gross dollar from the film as well as for merchandising. That's one reason the film never entered profits as defined for net participants.
Order from an HK dealer with a long rep - ABCexpress, etc. I've never had a problem with them.

The more I'm thinking about Nicholson likeness - he made a ton of money off merchandising for the first movie - so I'm thinking likeness rights may have been included in his film contract. Of course, they could have expired at this point - but hopefully not.

Thanks Dave, but ABCexpress doesn't have it and I don't know other Honk Kong companies. Do you have any more names of companies you'd recommend?

edit: I just found it in store-rooms. $119.99 with free shipping!
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Yes, the film was sold based on Nicholson's name more than anything. He earned gross dollar from the film as well as for merchandising. That's one reason the film never entered profits as defined for net participants.

Yeah, they actually teach the phenomenon of 'Hollywood accounting' in financial accounting courses, where huge money makers like Batman become losers through the magic of creative (i.e. unethical) bookkeeping that passed on large general expenses of the studio in arbitrary fashion.
I pre-ordered with apes_hk97.

Anyone heard of them? Should I be worried?

That is who I used. I have purchased a few items from them without incident over the past few years, so they should be fully reliable.

There were cheaper options, but I went with someone I had done business with before and had a long track-record.
I think this one I will get.. i think her body could be better maybe she would look better on a female TT with shaved down breasts? or that Onimusha thing that HT did with the smaller breasts
Guess I over paid by $21! :(

But it was worth it for a straight-up impulse buy! :yess:
Id watch out for store rooms... they almost seem to knock off knock offs... i got two brothers production Collaterals. The one from actiontoyshk was way better... store rooms had some acessories swapped out for cheaper ones... a cheaper looking set of heads..
I think Storerooms are wheelers and dealers... buyer beware.
Well... that would have been nice to know yesterday :gah:

Oh well, not much you can swap out on this figure; fingers crossed :pray:
Has anyone ordered from Cotswold Collectibles -- they are selling the Catwoman too -- would prefer to order from a store vs. an eBay seller.
Just wondering does anybody know when this will ship? Just curious, I know most sites say June but just wondering if anybody knows specifically when?
Being a bootleg, release is probably subject to change. I'd say it could ship anytime now, or could come a month or later. Unfortunately, there's no official page where info is posted by the maker to know what's going on.
proto looks good, but without knowing the artist/company involved and having to see their previous work, how would we know that the final production piece is gonna look any where near as good as the proto?
I would have preferred a more generic looking catwoman, but this is a very nice piece, congrats to those that have pulled the trigger!

I look forward to seeing in-hand pics.