Caylee Anthony's body found?!?!

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The body may be nice but that face is NASTY. And the brain in that nasty head is just as nasty.
"Don't hate on me!"


She is pretty young. She should have never had the child in the first place. the thing I don't get is why didn't she just give the baby up. The grand-parents loved it enough. Or maybe she could have put the child up for adoption.

I bet she felt so trapped by having a child. I know I would. People should really think these things through before going on with a pregnancy.
I do get the urge to kick her in the throat because even if she isn't guilty of killing her child she definitely has something to do with it. Although all things said she isn't that bad looking...I'd let her have sex with me under normal circumstances. :lol
I do get the urge to kick her in the throat because even if she isn't guilty of killing her child she definitely has something to do with it. Although all things said she isn't that bad looking...I'd let her have sex with me under normal circumstances. :lol

That's what I am saying... she is kind of hot huh?! :lol
She is pretty young. She should have never had the child in the first place. the thing I don't get is why didn't she just give the baby up. The grand-parents loved it enough. Or maybe she could have put the child up for adoption.

I bet she felt so trapped by having a child. I know I would. People should really think these things through before going on with a pregnancy.

I have two friends that had children at 16 and 17 respectively and did outstanding jobs raising their kids.

I don't know why this woman did what she did and I really don't care. I just think she should die for it.
I heard (on Nancy Grace obviously) that the meter man supposedly tipped the cops multiple times about the area before he finally "found" them himself while relieving himself. Something not making sense there. Either he is the Ghost Whisperer or he knows more.
I heard (on Nancy Grace obviously) that the meter man supposedly tipped the cops multiple times about the area before he finally "found" them himself while relieving himself. Something not making sense there. Either he is the Ghost Whisperer or he knows more.

From what I read on FOXnews, he had told officers to check that area back in August. At the time, the area was pretty much flooded and nothing was ever found. When he came across the bones in December, he was simply following up on his own tips. Police said that he was ruled out as a suspect.
Poor little angel. This is just heart breaking.

I wonder if they'll be able to determine a cause of death.
From what I read on FOXnews, he had told officers to check that area back in August. At the time, the area was pretty much flooded and nothing was ever found. When he came across the bones in December, he was simply following up on his own tips. Police said that he was ruled out as a suspect.

Yeah, apparently he saw the bag she was in months ago, reported it to police multiple times, and finally made enough of a ruckus about it that they sent a cop out there with him. The cop went into the swampy area to find the bag, decided there were too many rattlesnakes, and left. Nothing was ever done to follow up, so eventually this guy decided to take matters into his own hands. I don't blame him.
I hope Casey burns for this. If she gets off I'm going to be pissed.

I really don't think she'll get off - even if she didn't kill her daughter herself, it seems pretty obvious that she played a part in her death and should get several years in jail for that.....I'm hoping she gets a lot more - like life without the possibility of parole. I think that punishment would be more serving than a death sentence. The woman is young, likes to party - let her spend the rest of her life in a jail cell remembering her crimes.
I just can't believe anyone would want to do that to their own child, even paying off someone to do it. That's just insanely screwed up, no matter how you put it. And I agree with Jen, let her rot in jail... spend decades thinking about what a rotten Mother she was, and the life that she snuffed out just so she could continue having a "fun life".

And she looks WAAAY too much like one of my Ex GF's for my taste. :lol
I really don't think she'll get off - even if she didn't kill her daughter herself, it seems pretty obvious that she played a part in her death and should get several years in jail for that.....I'm hoping she gets a lot more - like life without the possibility of parole. I think that punishment would be more serving than a death sentence. The woman is young, likes to party - let her spend the rest of her life in a jail cell remembering her crimes.

See this is the problem. Her daughter was dead in a plastic bag in a swamp and she went to clubs. She isn't like the vast majority of people in the world. She clearly doesn't have a conscience so the days she spends in a cell will consist of her remorseful that she was caught, or that she had a child to begin with.
This woman clearly loves living, because she was living it up pretty good. Take away the one thing she truly loves: Her life.

Most people like to think that everyone is basically the same, meaning good intentioned, but its really not the case. There is a percentage of the public, that does not have the ability to feel things like compassion or remorse, or anything beyond their own interests. Sometimes we hear statements like "Anyone could do that under the right circumstances" and thats just not true. There are thousands of people in horrible situations that would never dream of harming their child.

Please don't elevate this woman to the same level of humanity that most of us live on. Define her by what she is: Human garbage.