My comments regarding the schedule:
The CW panel on Thursday could be neat, talking about the unproduced episodes.
The Rebels cast panel on Saturday is at 11am, and I plan on going to that for sure, even though I'm not a huge fan of the series. I want to see who I'm listening to... Plus Sarah Michelle Gellar could be there (since she's in S2, and married to Kanan)...
Joel Aron has a panel. Could be interesting, but I doubt I’ll attend…
Smuggler’s Bounty is at 1pm on Saturday!!!!!! OH NOES!!! I bet I won’t be able to attend, due to my volunteering. It is from 1-2:30. I’ll see if I can make it happen… If I can, I will likely need someone to hold me a seat, since there's no way I can line up early for that... I assumed it would be Saturday night, or at least late in the day…
As for early Saturday night, there are conflicts up the a$$! the Rebels S2 premiere is from 5-7, but I will likely pass...
The fan film awards are at 6:00, the same time as the Rebels S2. Celebrities usually attend this, but I think I must pass...
Because ALSO at 6:00 is a double-feature panel of James Arnold Taylor “Talking to Myself” AND Mark Hamill!!! I think we have a winner!!! Dunno if this interests anyone else. I regretted missing James Arnold Taylor's performance at CVI. He's extremely talented, and I know his show is hilarious. I don't want to miss it this time. As for Hamill, he's always entertaining. But I could skip Hamill, depending on what our Saturday night plans are...
I find it interesting that Anthony Daniels panel is Friday night, most likely so he can pimp autographs all day long without having to do a panel.
The Ralph McQuarrie Art panel sounds interesting. I didn’t know they were doing a new SW book. This clearly isn’t by Dream and Visions Press. I know they were shot down by Lucasfilm for their upcoming book, and couldn’t include any Star Wars McQuarrie art. Now we know why…