Celebration Anaheim 2015 - April 16-19 - Confirmed!

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My comments regarding the schedule:

The CW panel on Thursday could be neat, talking about the unproduced episodes.

The Rebels cast panel on Saturday is at 11am, and I plan on going to that for sure, even though I'm not a huge fan of the series. I want to see who I'm listening to... Plus Sarah Michelle Gellar could be there (since she's in S2, and married to Kanan)...

Joel Aron has a panel. Could be interesting, but I doubt I’ll attend…

Smuggler’s Bounty is at 1pm on Saturday!!!!!! OH NOES!!! I bet I won’t be able to attend, due to my volunteering. It is from 1-2:30. I’ll see if I can make it happen… If I can, I will likely need someone to hold me a seat, since there's no way I can line up early for that... I assumed it would be Saturday night, or at least late in the day…

As for early Saturday night, there are conflicts up the a$$! the Rebels S2 premiere is from 5-7, but I will likely pass...
The fan film awards are at 6:00, the same time as the Rebels S2. Celebrities usually attend this, but I think I must pass...
Because ALSO at 6:00 is a double-feature panel of James Arnold Taylor “Talking to Myself” AND Mark Hamill!!! I think we have a winner!!! Dunno if this interests anyone else. I regretted missing James Arnold Taylor's performance at CVI. He's extremely talented, and I know his show is hilarious. I don't want to miss it this time. As for Hamill, he's always entertaining. But I could skip Hamill, depending on what our Saturday night plans are...

I find it interesting that Anthony Daniels panel is Friday night, most likely so he can pimp autographs all day long without having to do a panel.

The Ralph McQuarrie Art panel sounds interesting. I didn’t know they were doing a new SW book. This clearly isn’t by Dream and Visions Press. I know they were shot down by Lucasfilm for their upcoming book, and couldn’t include any Star Wars McQuarrie art. Now we know why…
Smuggler's Bounty, origami and McQuarrie book are jumping out at me for the first pass through the schedule. That panel on OT costumes might be cool, too.
After looking at the programming, I can honestly say I'm glad I'm volunteering. I think I can still see pretty much everything I want to see. I just hope some of you guys want to see some of the same stuff, so I can spend time with you guys as well... That's the downside of volunteering... At least my mornings should be free, other than Thursday...