Celebration Anaheim 2015 - April 16-19 - Confirmed!

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I think I may go celebration store shopping by myself.
The return of jedi buttons are the only item I think will sell out. This way I may spend enough to get yoda pin
I think I may go celebration store shopping by myself.
The return of jedi buttons are the only item I think will sell out. This way I may spend enough to get yoda pin

I'll go with you. :wave

So long as it's not the first day and there's a 2-hour wait. :lol
Jj panel
Hang with freaks

Hang with freaks

Run to beach
Hang with freaks
Freaks party

Get some tots
Hang with freaks

Leave early

Did I miss anything?
Good plan Rick. I'm gonna do a bunch of panels, because that's my thing. But I'm still looking at the schedule and finalizing it.

If I'm correct, I'm only picking up two people at the airport:
Kyle - late Tuesday evening
Rick - early Wednesday afternoon

Sound off if I've missed anyone. ;)
I think I may go celebration store shopping by myself.
The return of jedi buttons are the only item I think will sell out. This way I may spend enough to get yoda pin
I'll go with you bro. I need some shirts. I have to buy some presents too.
I'm interested in seeing any of the OT actors that will be speaking... I think the only two happening at the same time are Daniels and McDiarmid.
JJJ. ...I think I get wicket in the button set I am buying. ...if you still need the little guy....he is yours.
If you already locked yourself into another one ....I will keep
I will get over there around 7
Is anything in store going to sell out fast ?
Chewie sock monkey is a must have
Two of them
I hope you aren't gonna stick the same thing in your sock monkey that you stick in your socks at home. And I'm not talking about feet! :monkey1

I'm sleeping in too!!! :yess:
No you aren't! Didn't you read the instructions? VIP's must be there by 8:30! That may be later than the rest of us, but that ain't sleeping in!

Buying new underwear tonight
We all thank you for that.

Last day of work
You quit?

Those do look cool. But for some reason I was expecting it to be painted R2's. It's like the Vader helmets and Vader figure cases. They are neat, just not what I expected...

I think I may go celebration store shopping by myself.
The return of jedi buttons are the only item I think will sell out. This way I may spend enough to get yoda pin
You don't like the rest of us?

You think lines will be that long?
Yes. Maybe not 2 hours, but they will be long. CIV is basically the only Celebration that didn't have long lines. They went a bit overboard with staff at that one... And they were open 24 hours.

Aren't they usually bad on the first day? I could be wrong, though.
Yes. And the 2nd day. They eventually taper off... After the good stuff is sold out....

Good plan Rick. I'm gonna do a bunch of panels, because that's my thing. But I'm still looking at the schedule and finalizing it.

If I'm correct, I'm only picking up two people at the airport:
Kyle - late Tuesday evening
Rick - early Wednesday afternoon

Sound off if I've missed anyone. ;)
I'll panel it up with you! :hi5: That's my thing, too... When I can squeeze it in...
I would love to shop with others. Just think if I want the yoda then I need to buy my stuff.