Darth Waller
Are you on the square?
It doesn't seem like it would cost much to ship a couple dozen SW items and set up a booth with one or two people. 

I wonder if Sideshow won't blow off Celebration this time and will actually participate? (No, sending gift cards for the 501st to hand out doesn't count). They were pretty much the only licensee absent last time, which imho is pretty embarrassing.
Can't wait for CVI! 414 more days!
I'm with everyone else, Sideshow should be there. Going to fire off some comments to them through Ask Sideshow throughout the upcoming year.
The Rosen Centre will be opening up all remaining rooms for the con on July 8th. There are currently 16 rooms available but that may change before then.
Official Freaks Hotel!!! Woot!!!
No availability showing at the Rosen
They asked me for a 501st code
I'm not looking for a bias opinion... honestly, is Star Wars Celebration big enough that one could be entertained for all four days? If i go i would have to spend the money to fly all the way across the country and stay in a hotel the whole time. Comic-con i know will be worth it. But Celebration VI... thoughts?