Chakaman's customs, mods and repaints

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Cheers guys. :)

Well, my package arrived from Duane today. All I can say This stuff is even better in hand. The craftsmanship is so precise.

So here is a look at my next three Skiffguards...."Red Kenner Nikto", "Vizam" and "Sail Barge Weequay". Aside from Vizam's outfit, I had most of the other two outfits done. Duane's tunics are going to put them over the top. And the Vizam outfit, damn its awesome. I cannot wait to paint and weather it up.

Duane thanks again dude, I really appreciate it. Without you, none of this awesomeness would be possible. :)
Thanks Duane. :)

Some more work done on Vizam today. I painted the undershirt a mix of purple, blue and black. It always looked purplish to me in the movie and in stills. I did his hands, HT Predator hands repainted. I weathered up the vest a bit more and did some more paintwork on it. I also built a belt and made pouches. The pouches are SSC Endor Soldier pouches cut down to be shorter/smaller and repainted. I also touched up the paintwork on the headsculpt. Next up is headgear. :)

Did you dremel the top of the kenner blue nikto head for his headgear? I've got almost all the pieces I need.
Did you dremel the top of the kenner blue nikto head for his headgear? I've got almost all the pieces I need.

I did a little bit . I then scratch build the headgear top of it. I took about as much off the blue Nikto sculpt as you see pictured above on Vizam.
Looking sharp as hell dude. You and duane rock the customs..........:rock
The custom Jawas are looking a heck of a lot better now too, huh? Not only do you NOT have to spend the scratch, yours are much better looking.
The custom Jawas are looking a heck of a lot better now too, huh? Not only do you NOT have to spend the scratch, yours are much better looking.

Thanks. Yeah no kidding. I still have another one to put together. I will be passing on the SSC Jawas for sure, might pick up some of the gear once it's parted out.
Thanks. Yeah no kidding. I still have another one to put together. I will be passing on the SSC Jawas for sure, might pick up some of the gear once it's parted out.

yeah I agree. I still have those jawas that solo bones made for me they will do for me. I might get the gear like you said when they hit
Yeah, I am pretty happy with mine. :)

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Vizam looks absolutely sweet Chris! He's turning out very nice all weathered up.
We might have to look into sorting out a cannon for him:wink1: