Thanks Chaka, yeah that is a lot of work, but you can't argue with the results! Appreciate the how to!!
Please no gloss to the snow trooper he looks mint as is! Great work
Since Sideshow announced they are doing a Snowtrooper..I decided to go back and do some touchups on mine. I did this one about a year ago, but never got around to weathering it up or really finishing the boots.
Im going to add a sole to the boots and some more details to the top of them. I also am adding the laces. I have started doing this on the troopers right foot, but its hard to see in the pics. Im hoping that these guys will be nice background fillers for Sideshow's version.
Having seen the SS snowtrooper I'd just finish yours and call it a day, yours are every bit as good and I would say even better than SS. I have some hasbro troopers I was going to try and mod after yours and other peoples' snowtrooper customs but put on hold when SS announced theirs. Looking at the pictures of the SS snowtroopers I knew I had seen better in the customs section and came back to find those examples and yours are certainly the ones I remember. GREAT JOB!!! You said "Im hoping that these guys will be nice background fillers for Sideshow's version." You got that wrong, it's the other way around, SS will be fillers for yours.Thats if your silly enough to pay $150 for fillers.
Cheers!! Thanks for the compliments, I really appreciate it.
There is a lot to like about SSC's Snowtrooper offering. The outfit looks great and I like how the helmet is flared out a bit more than the Hasbro one. I do not like the sculpted mask and I think the eyes are a tad small.
Having said that, I will probably pick up a couple from Sideshow. I will pick up some spare bits (once this guy is parted out) from Toy Anxiety and mod all these guys to match up. I think once I tweak mine, dirty them up and redo the mask's on Sideshow's it will be a nice looking squad. Well, at least that is my plan.![]()
Chris,man,I agree with these guys.Your snowtrooper is all kinds of badass.If you get the SS snow trooper...he should be taking up the rear.Having seen the SS snowtrooper I'd just finish yours and call it a day, yours are every bit as good and I would say even better than SS. I have some hasbro troopers I was going to try and mod after yours and other peoples' snowtrooper customs but put on hold when SS announced theirs. Looking at the pictures of the SS snowtroopers I knew I had seen better in the customs section and came back to find those examples and yours are certainly the ones I remember. GREAT JOB!!! You said "Im hoping that these guys will be nice background fillers for Sideshow's version." You got that wrong, it's the other way around, SS will be fillers for yours.Thats if your silly enough to pay $150 for fillers.
Great pics Bro. Love the Crew shot.
dammit chris.................need dengar.............![]()
That Boba don't know how lucky he is that he landed in your house.
Did you MOD your Fett yet it looks good. I cant stop touching mine, my wife said I might have a problem. LOL
has someone tried the medicom helmet on the ssc boba??
I just did to see what it would look like. The Medi helmet is way too small in my opinion.