Chakaman's customs, mods and repaints

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I've been giving it some thought since the beginning & have a few ideas.Remind me next time we chat & I'll run them by you to see what you think.
Ohh id love to see squidhead then i could make my lord medevil or what ever his name is the squid sith!
It has been a while since I have been able to work on anything. I was able to get a couple of hours today. I was able to do some work on another cantina patron, Bom Vimdin.

Here is where he was when I worked on him last...


I have tailored his vest, repainted his boots, pants and gloves. Here is he now...


I still need to go in and paint the studs on his vest. In addition to weathering, I aldo need to add some details to the boots.

I noticed a few paint chips on the face. He must have fallen over a couple of times in the past month or so, my workbench is a bit of a safety hazard. :)

I hope to finish him up soon, but who knows. It was nice just to have a chance to do a little work on him.
:clap Looks great, Chris! I know how it can be fighting for the time to work on hobbies like this. Once you finally do get a moment it can almost be cathardic. Too bad there's always so damn much to do. :(
looks awesome so far chris..................:clap

now about that that a new one or the one you did before? i don't remember him that clean.
:clap Looks great, Chris! I know how it can be fighting for the time to work on hobbies like this. Once you finally do get a moment it can almost be cathardic. Too bad there's always so damn much to do. :(

Thank you sir. Summer is a busy time of year for me, Work is crazy and between my wife and I, it seems like there is always something going on every weekend. When I do get some down time, Im so tired I cant concentrate. Hard to work on this stuff when you cant see straight. :)

looks awesome so far chris..................:clap

now about that that a new one or the one you did before? i don't remember him that clean.

Cheers dude! That Snowtrooper is a 2nd one I had started, but did not weather or finish working on the helmet. I will probably get to him sooner or later. He(along with my finished one) will make a good backdrop Snowie to go with Sideshow's offering. Once Sideshow's is out and parts become available, it will be fun to kitbash them together.
Looks awesome man! :clap

I know nothing about this character but one doesnt need to to enjoy and appreciate the work :)

And I agree with Flosi, its tough finding the time to get a little work in on the projects you have laid out.

I have to ask though, one thing I fear is painting hands b/c of peeling. I have a spray protective sealant but when I've used it in the past it tends to make the surface sticky. What do you use to prevent paint peeling/scratching?
I have to ask though, one thing I fear is painting hands b/c of peeling. I have a spray protective sealant but when I've used it in the past it tends to make the surface sticky. What do you use to prevent paint peeling/scratching?

are you using dulcote?.........if not use that. tacks the tacky away.....but spray lightly.
are you using dulcote?.........if not use that. tacks the tacky away.....but spray lightly.

Hmm don't think so. I'll have to get it online most likely. I looked for it awhile ago at the main art supply store where all the art majors go to get their supplies and didn't see it their nor at Hobby Lobby or Michaels.

Thanks btw :hi5:
Since Sideshow announced they are doing a Snowtrooper..:yess: I decided to go back and do some touchups on mine. I did this one about a year ago, but never got around to weathering it up or really finishing the boots.

Im going to add a sole to the boots and some more details to the top of them. I also am adding the laces. I have started doing this on the troopers right foot, but its hard to see in the pics. Im hoping that these guys will be nice background fillers for Sideshow's version. :)



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thats awesome chris..........:rock

i really need to upgrade mine with boots like that.
Thanks Barry. I just need to build up the soles around the sides and add some laces and I should be good. I was kinda lazy the first go around on ths guy. I also think they will look a bit better when they are not so damn white. :D
That snowtrooper is so awesome! I like how you achieved the hood - everyone's holding their breath to see how SSC nails it (or not.)
That snowtrooper is so awesome! I like how you achieved the hood - everyone's holding their breath to see how SSC nails it (or not.)

Hey thanks! I am really looking forward to seeing Sideshow's version. Im hoping they get the helmet/mask done right. Crossing fingers, Sideshow has been hit or miss lately.
Excellent work!!!! What did you use to make the cowl?

Thanks! I appreciate it. For the cowl, I made a paper pattern, reinforced it with masking tape and then covered it with latex from a pair of gloves. I then applied white spray paint to the entire cowl/helmet. I let it sit for a few hours and then went back and painted in the details on the helmet. I then applied some sealer to the cowl. I am actually thinking about putting a coat of gloss sealer on it, not sure though.

Its kinda of a pain to do, but I really couldnt think of anything else. I had to do it a few times to get it to look right.

I am curious to see how Sideshow tackles this. Should be interesting.