Super Freak
that's not drug related.
orgies....sure did a number on him.![]()
in the end wasn't that Capone's ultimate down fall also.
that's not drug related.
orgies....sure did a number on him.![]()
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The goddesses have sucked the life right out of him.
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Nope. Sheen is the new American Idol/Jersey Shore.![]()
I get no entertainment from this tool or his antics. Drug addicts are sad people, I have been around to many in my life to enjoy watching Sheen and his train wreck circus act. The only difference between this guy and the people you see on Intervention is he's rich, and instead of people regarding him as a drug addicted junkie they like to see him as a eccentric, funny celeb "telling it like it is".
My guess is people who are enjoying watching this guy have never delt with drugs, or addicts, in a series manner in their life. Good for them I guess.
My favorites thus far have been
"The run I was on made Sinatra, Flynn, Jagger, Richards, all of them look like droopy-eyed armless children."
"ohhh drugs in the house, were all gonna die!"
The I blinked my eyes and cured myself is pretty epic as well.
I honestly believe its possible he is clean and is just a bit whacked out now from all his past use as well as genuinely enjoying life.
I know alot of people who came out of rehab off 20 years or more of using and are exactly like him attitude wise, though maybe not as quotable, and who are totally clean and just focusing all that energy on trying to get there ____ straight. Alot of people definately don't understand what its like to come out of basically a drug coma and experiance life not high after so much use for so long. His excitement could very well be geniune and if he does stay clean even inspirational in the long run but that remains to be seen.