Charlie Sheen WTH man?????

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The sad thing is nobody can get through to him and he's gonna end up dead.

yeah IF nobody can, he will be gone soon.
it kinda sounded like that at this time his family has had to step away from him. i think Martin said something along the lines that they were praying for him, after he was asked what he and Charlie's family were doing to help him.
You can't help anyone unless they want help. Look at Elvis and others who have had similar problems. Those around them either enabled them or were dismissed.
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His family has done everything that they could. They've done interventions, took him to rehab. There's really nothing else you can do. You just have to let them make their own mistakes and hope and pray that when they do hit rock bottom, they won't die.
what is the purpose of purpose??

HAPPINESS. some people try, some die trying....

what? orgies dont make you happy? :monkey3
Sheen's Kornor was too much, Shoulda stopped before that. Gonna be played out and people sick of him in no time if not already.
His family has done everything that they could. They've done interventions, took him to rehab. There's really nothing else you can do. You just have to let them make their own mistakes and hope and pray that when they do hit rock bottom, they won't die.

yeah that's what i thought by what Martin said.


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He actually looks better in this video and can still deliver.