Whatever the circumstances, as a wrestling fan I am saddened by the loss of Benoit and his family.
Benoit was one of the best wrestlers I had ever seen. He reminded me of the old days when wrestlers had some substance to them, like when Rick Steamboat would battle Tully Blanchard or Ric Flair.
He had great athletic talent, had great moves and was very popular despite that fact that he was not one of the best talkers.
Chris was one of those wrestlers that you could put in a ring against anyone and you knew it was going to be a great match.
Benoit was held in the highest reguards by other wrestlers. Benoit wrestled them all, from Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels, to Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair. Steve Austin, the Rock, Sting, Taz, Chris Jericho, Rob Van Damme, Kurt Angle, Eddie Guererro and more; all the biggest names in the industry in the last 15 years have faced Benoit.
The wrestling world will sorely miss Chris Benoit.