I got mine yesterday. I've been posting on the other forum, but thought I should throw up a few pictures here. Let me say up front that I like Chronicle. I've been very happy with most of the stuff I've ordered. My first let down came when I received the 1/5 male T-rex bust. Most people raved about it. I was disappointed with it and said so. People blasted me for it. At least I was honest.
I will be honest about this too. It's a really nice piece...great presence....very imposing. The detail is superb, not soft by any means. That is important, because without the crispness of the lines this wouldn't be any better than Neca's 18" T2 endo. The paint is way too dark and just not professionally applied. Not a lot of pictures have been posted so far, so I'm not sure if I received one of the better ones. Mine doesn't seem to have huge issues other than the color.
I took the first series of pictures outside in natural light. It was an overcast day, but not dark by any means. The first picture gives you a pretty good idea of how dark it actually is. Back inside with general soft room lighting, lamps etc, it did look better. The clear does help it to shine. From a few feet away, it's very nice to look at. You can convince yourself that the coloring has more to do with the lighting.
I took one picture directly under some fluorescent lighting to see how different it would look. It definitely makes a difference, but you wouldn't be wrong in saying that it's just smoke and mirrors. No one is going to display this outside. You can make this look good with the proper choice of lighting, but that's not something you should have to do with a $500+ collectible. Even though it should have been so much more, I am keeping mine. I never clamored for a chrome look, so the expected color choice was never an issue. The color of course is not what was expected, but it at least still has a metal look to it.
I think anybody that ordered this and keeps it should get a $100 credit towards a future purchase. CC was not totally blameless in this.