Statue Chronicle Collectibles 1:4 Endoskeleton Statue: Terminator Genisys

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It is not funny at all IMO. China screws us all again, it does not "speak volumes" about CC. One bad decision to use a shady factory and we all suffer.

How does that not speak volumes about CC?This is the same bull s**t that has been going on with this company for a while, that many seem to be completely oblivious to. Did they not say they were using toynamis factory for this? Then conveniently tell everyone they used a different factory when they started to ship these? You reap what you sow. And yes, the fact that people are "shocked" by their practices is quite hilarious. And now CC are paying people to keep it. :lol
Not a refund,but a in house credit for future purchases. I have the Jurassic Park diorama on flexpay,hopefully this fiasco will make next next statues with better QC.

Store credit?
I wouldn't go for that, but it really depends on whether or not you could live with the issues on your specific piece.

Are they honoring full refunds for any that have already shipped?
For a $200 credit I might keep the charbroiled looking endo with the bad paint job...I would just pretend it was charred and melted in a nuclear fire post judgement day...
Store credit?
I wouldn't go for that, but it really depends on whether or not you could live with the issues on your specific piece.

Are they honoring full refunds for any that have already shipped?

Yes either full refund or credit.
Official word from over on SF..

Believe me we have learned from it, if you make Terminators and they aren't Triple Chrome metal plate don't bother.

Also there are very few companies in China doing triple chrome plate that so that's out as well.

No secret that we want to go after the next Terminator film, I will make sure we use a triple chrome plate factory and we charge for the plating even if that means we make a lot less product.

You can't use the paint processes we have here in the states, for some reason that technology has yet to filter down through the factories in China.

Sideshow painted a silver Endo to stay away from the chrome paint finished unachievable in China. I should have done the same thing.

Hot Toys is making tens of thousands of pieces and they can justify injection molding and metal for their Endos. They can triple chrome plate easier on injected parts like a model car.

I admit it, I screwed up, but we strive to make some of the best products on the market and continue to make changes where we can.

I'm sorry for the wait, I'm sorry that the product hasn't lived up to expectations.

The best I can do is to make it right and move on....

Lots of companies have problems with paint app. Nothing new.
However, I think where it went wrong in this case is that the customers were not informed of the "switch" to a different paint factory than what was initially claimed. I'm sure there were buyers who made their purchase decision based on that initial claim.
Got to keep things transparent. This is unfortunate really.
How does that not speak volumes about CC?This is the same bull s**t that has been going on with this company for a while, that many seem to be completely oblivious to. Did they not say they were using toynamis factory for this? Then conveniently tell everyone they used a different factory when they started to ship these? You reap what you sow. And yes, the fact that people are "shocked" by their practices is quite hilarious. And now CC are paying people to keep it. :lol
We don't like it, but how is it different from what any other company has pulled? SS does this stuff all the time.

Where is a quote that this was going to be Toynami produced?
We don't like it, but how is it different from what any other company has pulled? SS does this stuff all the time.

Where is a quote that this was going to be Toynami produced?

Here are his responses to questions on the other board:

Any hints what the 1/4 Endo will be made from? All those parts hint at a plastic / metal construction. Please, for the love of sanity, no polystone!

One thing we like about using Toynami as our manufacturer is the mixture of materials at our disposal. Like Cain we see the Endo being a blend of injection molded, resin (not polystone) and metal.

We'll be releasing the 1/4 Endo and the Spider Tank in the next few weeks for preview. We'll spread out the pre-order on these products. That gives us plenty of time to get the pose and bases ready.


Later in the thread, there was an ongoing discussion about how PCS -using Toynami - compared to Cinemaquette products. He interjected with:

Out of respect for Toynami and PCS I won't even get into a comparison about quality or pricing.

We've teamed with Toynami because I have a twenty year relationship with George and personally we think they make the best products in the industry.

We try to study the market and price our products fairly.

We launched our company in July of 2014, after eight months we are still learning. We launched with two expensive products, probably not the best approach but I wanted to make a statement.

I don't think we would have been trusted with Terminator had we not taken risks with Robocop. But we value that trust from our licensors and to be honest, Cain has opened a lot of doors. Part of that credit goes Toynami, with Cain I believe they knocked it out of the park.

Look guys, all I want to do is make cool products and preferably ones that haven't been attempted before. If you guys will hang in there with us and support us, I promise I'll listen to our customers and make the highest quality products for the best price.

We have a huge announcement to make in the next few weeks, things are looking up for 2015.

Let's please keep this about our products, any critiques about other companies should happen in their respected forums...


People asked about more timeline details and stated:


I've been connected to these darn things for almost fifteen years...

I appreciate all the kind words guys and I'm still here and I can handle the critics. Opinions are like.......

Anyway as soon as we get the final detail from Toynami, we'll get this guy up for pre-order.

I'm just waiting on final approval before sharing the full body shots.

I'm sure people will not like the base, it's such a drastic change from what's been done or years. It's just a nice clean design based on the building in the film. The base top is just a clean ash field, no human skulls, no machinery and no lava field....

This will look more like a museum piece instead of a statue...


While he doesn't officially announce Toynami as the manufacturer, he had two years to mention Toynami wasn't. Instead he mislead people to believe they were. He could make any excuse in the book (which I'm sure he has one) as to why he never cleared this but it's looking more like it was left ambiguous purposefully with an intent to deceive.
Great post Robopredinator. I for one appreciate the leg work. Twas the old bait and switch.

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Maybe people wouldn't have canceled their orders, but associating toynami with this piece numerous times would definitely entice more people to buy.
Kinda feel bad for you 1/4 scale terminator guys here. Hoping the Robo bust paint which nobody has gotten right so far comes at least somewhat close to the proto paint
Personally the factory things means ziltch to me. It's the final product I care about, everyone's acts like it's some big thing when the same factory has probably used by countless other producers as far as anyone knows. This just seems like some sort of which hunt or bitching point. Chronicle has already accepted responsibility as well as trying to make it right to it's customers with a sizable credit or a refund.

Do we get a perfect piece... No is it totally bad other than paint...No can we continue to bring up the same point over and over for the next month... Yes. Does it fix or change anything? . Not at all.
I don't know, the factory CC uses should mean something to you. If they used a different one then maybe you'd have an endoskeleton that actually looked decent.