Looks awesome mate! I think maybe you should make the jawline a little stronger and more angular, and the tip of the nose could be a little more narrow. At the moment it's looking a little wide and flat and that's giving him a slightly Asian look (which isn't hard since from some angles some of Murphy's features do have a slight Asian look to them!)
Nice bro.. what you use for ur head? i use epoxy putty..
Thanks man. You are using epoxy putty for your Bale head ?, wow epoxy putty is so difficult to work with for a head sculpt since it hardens in a short period of time, but in spite of that you actually managed to do a great sculpt, nonetheless.
I use Super Sculpey Firm, it hardens only when you cure it in an oven, you should get some, everyone uses it. Some use castelene but that is another story.
Some quick progress pictures. I'm roughing in the hair, looking for it's shape. I also worked a little bit more on the eyes, made them a tad bigger than the last preview, and added a bit more cheek bones and brows, the neck looks a bit long, it'll be cut out later.
It still need some more tweaks, but I'm happy where this is going.
Thanks for looking!
Nice work!
Very recognizable, but I think the cheek-bones might be too high.