Re: Cillian Murphy - (Inception, Batman Begins) W.I.P~~ (UPDATED)
For those interested, just a little update...
The head is at the caster, I should have received the mold and casts by now, but he is busy with other stuff, he also has a little cold, so he is working slowly. I was told to expect the mold and stuff by Monday.
Also, for those buying the head to make a Jonathan Crane "Scarecrow" bash, I might offer the glasses he wears in the movie, which are the "Alain Mikli model #A0304", digitally printed on transparent film paper or acetate paper ? don't know what it is called in english. That is the best I can do about it. It will be around $4 for a little sheet with 3 printed glasses for you to cut out. I'm still looking into it though, I'll snap a pic once I have it figured out.
As for paypal, I'm working with my bud, looking for a way to make it work. ( I hate to be living in a third world country...:/ )