Darth Milo
Super Freak
Personally I love the action pose.. especially from this angle :

Or people just don't like it...I Have to assume I am one of the ones you are referring to since I am one of the ones who does not love this piece...
I have no interest in this, but the quality is there in my opinion. The hair may not be for everyone, but it does look nice with some patience.
the sheer size cannot be really appreciated in any pic.
Is it worth the asking price? well, 99% of the world would say anyone who would pay even $500 for a statue of a comic book character needs to seek professional help...so who are we to judge?
My post was not about anyone in particular and you don't have to explain your reasoning to me; I've read all of your posts. I agree that we should only buy what we love and to get to that point of deciding either yes or no, we justify the reasons for our decision, whatever those reasons may be. I think that most people who really think about these things go through that same process.
All I was saying is that even though I haven't the funds to aquire this one nor the space to display it properly if I did, I can appreciate the work that went into it and really like that they gave it "hair", etc. I'm not a "Hulk" collector and don't ever expect to order anything beyond the new Grey Hulk and the Gladiator Hulk. Therefore, even if I had the space and the money, I wouldn't buy this one due to those facts as well my own reservations about certain elements of this piece. All that doesn't change the fact that this was really well done. The design team really seems to have done a great job on this one.
I like both the Gladiator and King Hulk but decided on the Gladiator because I liked the helmet better (even though I preferred the King's weapon to the shield.)I can't argue with any of that.. It's a nice piece. If you like everything about it then it's winner! I feel the same way about the Prime 1 1/2 scale BvS Superman. I think that is perfect but I don't plan on getting it but man that is nice and I can't wait to see in hands of that! This Hulk is a nice piece of art also and in no way am I trying to convince anyone else otherwiseit's Just not for me.
Btw I just got the New Ex Gray Hulk... WOW!! Best of the three I think... though I have not seen Red in person. I have green but Gray is far better IMO.
Gladiator Hulk is a great piece also... I ended up selling mine because I thought King was better overall. But you can' go wrong with either.. Gladiator is much cheaper then King now also.
I like both the Gladiator and King Hulk but decided on the Gladiator because I liked the helmet better (even though I preferred the King's weapon to the shield.)
I saw the Red Hulk at Fan Expo here in Canada and thought it looked amazing so decided pick one of the three.
Agree completely regarding P1 BvS.![]()
Looks damn good to me and I love how he's bigger in scale compared to the other Avengers.
Fantastic. He looks great next the 1/4 scales. That's a win in my book.
Fantastic bro! Just the set up I was gonna try out too and the larger 1/4 scales of the IS Studios statues goes perfectly with Hulk! Congrats.![]()
Great pic DVDVampire!!! The Hulk looks great with Iron Man and Cap.
Looks damn good to me and I love how he's bigger in scale compared to the other Avengers.
If you could find a decent Thor The Dark World Premium Format, it may go pretty well with the group (although the base wouldn't match exactly, it may work depending on the setup). I have this statue and think it is a pretty good likeness of Hemsworth.
Problem is the Iron Studios Cap and IM are a bit larger then 1/4. They might make Thor look a tad too small and Thor should be second biggest.
Looks damn good to me and I love how he's bigger in scale compared to the other Avengers.
Wow! I just unboxed this statue and I'm truly blown away. I don't understand why very few people are talking about the paint application on this thing...it's freaking out of this world. Maybe I'm just so impressed with the translucent resin because I'm not a "creature" collector and thus, don't have much exposure to this kind of resin. It's nothing like any of the stuff I have from Sideshow or XM Studios. It's really on a different level. I agree with Rafael's youtube comment about the robot soldier's paint job being just okay. A chrome look would have been better. That said, the lighting effect on it is top notch. The pose looks a little odd in pictures but in person it really does look quite dynamic and menacing especially with the cool base. It tells a story.
I personally like this statue much more than I do my CM Iron Man. The paint application on the Iron Man is good..a few issues with the black lines, but this one is just over the top. Honestly, there are so many Hulk statues out there that one can become desensitized to Hulk. Shoot, I almost considered canceling this statue because I wasn't too sure I needed another Hulk. I'm glad I kept it though because after owning the OG SS Hulk, Hulk Maquette, Gray and Green Hulk Comiquettes, and the most recent Green Hulk PF Ex, this is my favorite. I've never seen the XM Hulk in person or owned the Gray Hulk PF so I can't compare it to those.
In short, if you are a fan of the Avengers movie and have this on preorder, do yourself the favor and don't let this one go! It's truly something else in person. Very limited, which I like. I agree with JAWS, if you don't like the movie or something doesn't do it for you, then you probably shouldn't pick this statue up cause I think selling this guy will be REALLY difficult as far shipping goes. Man, I paid like $450 to ship these 3 boxes 30 miles. I've paid the same price to ship a 300 lb pinball machine across the country.
Yeah my pic pretty much says it all. It destroys the other movie Hulks.
Now I'm starting to really question if I should still keep collecting from some of these other companies. I still live by the "buy what you like" belief and the Legacy Hulk was kick-ass when I first unboxed him, but this guy just raised the bar to astonishing levels.