Reveal looks like:

awesome! please be under 2 gand...
Looks awesome but Cinemaquettes always cost a fortune.
Cinemaquette must have had a one and done kind of deal with it.
that was my question - seems that way with Predator, Indy, POTC, Superman, Terminator. Pick an iconic character and be done with the license. Curious if this is the only SW piece we will see them do?
I think a 1/3 scale Boba would be very popular, so if it goes beyond Vader, I can't see them not doing him.
The one thing that bugs me the most though is that for that price, which I am sure will be at LEAST 2K, You can make a nice 1:1 Vader. I don't mean a mediocre one, I mean a pretty damn nice one. SOOO...... I sort of think of it that way: would you rather pay 2k for a 1/3 Vader? OR rather pay 2k for a Lifesize one? That is like an absolutely no-brainer to me.
Cheers mate I know they do it but frankly they are shoddy set up, there website was the cause of many peoples cards to be used for fraud, and they never have half the stuff they say they do in stock.Best place in the UK is :
I think the price will be at least 2000$ !
I agree Cinemaquettes are pricey. But I may have to make an exception....this has the makings of being a phenomenal piece.
That is exactly what I said a few posts above and I totally agree. No scaled statue will be as impressive as the 1:1 version. Museum Replicas will make the full Stormtrooper armor 1:1 and it seems the price will be around $2000. Then Vader might come and price will be there too.
Not to talk about building a Vader yourself and maybe even getting that lower than $2000. Armored characters where a face sculpt is not necessary, are easier to make in 1:1 scale, and cheaper than characters with face sculpts IMO.