Darren Carnall said:(we all remember their Aragorn.... which had a fabulous sculpt... but the hair threw it off)
I have to agree....although I still love this statue. Every sculpt takes Jack way too seriously. While I don't agree that he is a fool, he is quite accidentally clever.PosterBoyKelly said:My priblem w/every Jack, is the sculptures leave out any hint of humor, which NEVER leaves his face. They always try to make him look 'cool' which he is, but he's a constant fool too.
I'm guessing pictures don't do it enough justice, cos seeing it at SDCC tripped me out with how perfect the likeness was.Darklord Dave said:I have to say that Kojun doesn't look near as much like Depp as the CMQ. The face is too narrow, there's less expression in it too.
Lucky bastard! I can't wait to see it in person.Spliff said:I'm guessing pictures don't do it enough justice, cos seeing it at SDCC tripped me out with how perfect the likeness was.
You guys are killing me! AHHHHHH! This is my grail. You all better move out of my way on ordereing day......or else!Wetanut said:When I saw at SDCC last year, I had to do a double take. It's very very well done IMO. The skin tone and even a little glimmer in the eye (yeah....I probably THOUGHT I saw it) was so very realistic. If I had that kind of cash, I'd be all over it.
Do you have any pictures of your own from SDCC? I would love to see some more.Wetanut said:When I saw at SDCC last year, I had to do a double take. It's very very well done IMO. The skin tone and even a little glimmer in the eye (yeah....I probably THOUGHT I saw it) was so very realistic. If I had that kind of cash, I'd be all over it.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!Spliff said:*beats Roranous to order line*
That's the thing that gets me too...a part of me wants to wait for later production pieces like with Arnie, but the other says I shouldn't cos of possible appreciation on him. =/El Roranous said:NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!![]()
I hope the first ones come out perfect!
Darren Carnall said:Look, I know you're all spending a lot of money on this piece so you're all very attatched to it, and I do agree that as a bunch of collectibles the Cinemaquette stuff is simply fabulous. Their stuff looks amazing.
I really hope I'm wrong. I hope they fix the hair, and I do hope for you all that was all that was making it look like a stranger dressed up as Jack Sparrow... because at the moment it isn't Jonny Depp. It could just be the hair and makeup... things like that really can make a difference. They might have just dressed the hair wrong (we all remember their Aragorn.... which had a fabulous sculpt... but the hair threw it off)
but I guess it's the artist in me, I can't have people say it's perfect., and that it's the best Depp likeness ever... because as it stands? it just isnt. The picture below looks infinitly more like Depp... and this was done in 1/6 scale! (sorry about the number of pics, they all came together and I didn't have time to edit them)
But listen... i do hope your statue comes out as amazing as you all think it is. I know if i was spending that much money on something (I wish) I'd want it to be perfect too.