The way these sculpts of Dean and Marlon came out, it just compels me to keep using them...I need some thoughts from you guys...
I'm thinking about doing a "The Young Lions" bash. The film came out in 1958, right after Dean and Jerry Lewis split up. No one thought that Dean was going to survive the split; everyone thought that Jerry Lewis was the real talent. Dean, with the help of his friends, Marlon and Montgomery Cliff, landed the role. I saw the movie once a long time ago and remember that I liked it. I've started watching it again and I'm about 1/3 of the way through...
Below you will find some pics. I think that Marlon would look good with blond hair, and Dean would look pretty good with an Army Sargeant's uniform like the pic below. My dilemma is finding the right uniform for Marlon. Any suggestions? Have any of you done and WWII bashes?