I do not "think most would agree with said opinion". Why? What's so bizarre and sexist about that? It was the 40's. It still has a bit of that
Terry and the Pirates' Dragon Lady vibe she began with. I like it. It's part of her story. It's retro. Retro is cool.
And I don't understand why not having grown up seeing Catwoman in a dress should make anyone hate the dress, either. Not being one's cup of tea? OK. Not liking it? OK. Preferring the costume one did grow up with? OK. Now, hating it?
Unless it's just a way of putting it.
For the record, my favourite costume is Cooke's by a mile, and I always found Balent's rather silly —not really a fan of his art, either, even though I know I'm pretty much alone on this. But I'm still looking forward to this iteration.