Cobra Commander!!!!!

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had to cancel my exclusive well as my exclusive snake eyes.
~~sorry guys, maybe later i'll pick up Cobra Commander....but i finally got my hands on one of my grails so these as well as a couple other orders had to get cut.

Yes another Snake Eyes closer to be converted... GIMME!!!!!!!
You broke one of the oldest and most sacred rules of the pre-order. NEVER, and I mean NEVER cancel anything until you absolutely have to (ie 15 day notice time). You can NEVER accurately predict the future. It is best to order now and have to cancel later than not order (or cancel the order) and not be able to get the item when you do indeed have the money. I made a very poor choice once, as you did here.

Yep. CC doesn't ship until Q2 2009. You might not have to pay for this until *June* of next year. An incredible amount of time to come up with $100 for a purchase. I'd put yourself back on the wait list immediately if I were you.
I agree... unless you'll be paying off your grail for the next 8 months you'd probably be able to swing CC.
I would never cancel my CC, you would have to have a gun to my head.

If it was to my Mrs head I still would'nt cancel though.
Since they had to go the sculpted cloth mask route, it would have been cool if they had provided an alternate head sculpt. Are there any drawings of CC without his mask?
Yes, actually..I think Devil's Due had some pics of a young Cobra Commander sans mask as part of their Snake-Eyes: Classified mini.

The original Hasbro run also had a later issue that showed Snake-Eyes unmasked, but it was kind of a dissapointment. Didn't really look like much of a bad burn victim as just a facial disfigurement by scar.
I seem to remember a comic with Snake-Eyes unmasked without any injuries and he was like the standard blonde-haired, blue-eyed scandanavian type.

Ring any bells for anyone?
I seem to remember a comic with Snake-Eyes unmasked without any injuries and he was like the standard blonde-haired, blue-eyed scandanavian type.

Ring any bells for anyone?

Yes, but Snake-Eyes was also referenced many times in the original Marvel series as wearing a rubber mask out in public. He later had his face reconstructed and destroyed at least twice more between the Marvel and Devil's Due comics. I know when DD picked up the GI Joe license, Snakes had a reconstructed face at that time.
No need for an unmasked sculpt of either... especially when these look so awesome as is.

Honestly nobody knows what Cobra Commander looks under the mask. I rather not know, much like not being able to see Dr. Claw's true identity in Inspector Gadget. The G.I.JOE 80's cartoon doesn't count. While entertaining, it was not CC.. I mean throw his hood you clearly can see human eyes and skin, yet in the movie he was clearly a lizard-snake man.
:rock :drool :rock
The wait is soooo long. One of the worse things about it is that we won't be getting another Joe in hand til way past CC ships.:monkey2





Honestly nobody knows what Cobra Commander looks under the mask. I rather not know, much like not being able to see Dr. Claw's true identity in Inspector Gadget. The G.I.JOE 80's cartoon doesn't count. While entertaining, it was not CC.. I mean throw his hood you clearly can see human eyes and skin, yet in the movie he was clearly a lizard-snake man.

Didn't the Cobra-La or some ^^^^^ put some kind of gas or potion on him, or was it that he originated from the Cobra-La, I've gotta re-watch this movie again LOL...

*digging through my DVD collection