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When you successfully run your own business, which produces what are considered luxury items aka expendable items, in a failing economy I'll give you credit there. Until that happens, no. :lol

Do you? You basically pulled a MaulFan and reiterated a point that the both of us had already made as if you had something significantly more important to add. :dunno :lol

as long as you guys feel better ............ thats great ... happy for you all ...
Still doesn't mean ^^^^. Sideshow's whole is counting on the sales of expendable items in a failing economy. So expecting them to offer freebies and value pricing, when collectors are chopping preorders like loggers do trees, is a huge fail on your part.

:lol you believe what you want to believe but being one of the last to survive the Alamo doesn't make your theory right! :lol ...raising prices in a "failing economy" is exactly a primary reason collectors are "chopping preorders". I'm sure charging for what used to be a freebee isn't going to help either...

SSC made a strategic descision to sacrifice customers in this economy and charge "hard core collectors" more for it. Was it necessary? Who knows? I'm not going to disparage someone for having a different opinion, but I'm not sure how you think you're more qualified than anyone else. Just because you're one of the few willing holdouts prepared to defend any price increase doesn't make you right :duh

And I'm not sure how I'm failing? Failing what to prove a genius like yourself wrong? Failing to jump at the chance to pay $100 for toys? If being prudent in my spending of money on toys makes me "fail" let me never be as successful as you. :lol
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:lol you believe what you want to believe but being one of the last to survive the Alamo doesn't make your theory right! :lol ...raising prices in a "failing economy" is exactly a primary reason collectors are "chopping preorders". I'm sure charging for what used to be a freebee isn't going to help either...

SSC made a strategic descision to sacrifice customers in this economy and charge "hard core collectors" more for it. Was it necessary? Who knows? I'm not going to disparage someone for having a different opinion, but I'm not sure how you think you're more qualified than anyone else. Just because you're one of the few willing holdouts prepared to defend any price increase doesn't make you right :duh

I don't know what reality you've been living in, but things were still going fairly well, despite the swap to the Pro and charging for exclusives. Cheap :censored like you will always whine about forking over a few extra shekels because of inflation, a non-necessary exclusive or a more expensive, yet needed upgrade (despite having whined about the Buck). Things started going south because of the economy. If you hung out in the WTS threads, or hell, even ebaY, you'd see this instead of offering an unfounded opinion based on invented facts to justify a frail argument.
ok Adam Smith, you've enlightened me on how capitalism works and further showed how hormonally imbalanced you are in the process. I guess you won the argument. Like coolkansaswind. I'm glad you're feeling better now after you've burned off some of your supplement or roid rage. If it saved one of your kids from being shot with a paintball gun I guess the intellectual lashing you attempted to give me was worth it. :lol

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for as many personal jabs you throw let us hope you can ignore them coming back at you.
If we can't discuss the hobby nicely then how about we just stick to posting pics of the Cobra Trooper? Thanks. :)

Because some people are just too damn cheap to buy him and would rather whine about it? :dunno :monkey3

I'd post some but mine's still enroute from VP. :(
Ok. I like my Joe figures to cost less than this:


And get over it nam. Thats the point to it all. If someone wants to whine let em and get over it. When you become the administrator of this site you can kick me off for whining. Until then, my whining about cost is more on topic than you whining about me whining.
anyway, back to shoes. personally, I've never owned a pair of those real laces shoes. they always looked a bit over sized to me especially the laces being tied in huge bow:lol. I think what SSC provides for the most part has been good.
Man you would think were talking politics and not toy's!!! 8) I for one would not be buying much more if the price goes up I've cut out a lot of toys now and I'm very selective on the 1/6 stuff I buy. SSC is almost to the point of my limit. But everynow and then I'll splurge just look at HT Wolvie that is not a pass. Any who the joe's stuff is at a much higher level than say the star wars. Of course the new body helps, now back to the topic!!
BIASED MODERATION!!! :p:lol Why don't the whiner's personal attack posts get deleted?! :dunno I have to report them for the personal jabs? :lol
85% of all board content here is whining. No one is innocent of this heinous crime. You must be more specific, I'm afraid.

You mean like accusing me of shooting my kids with paintball guns because I'm on a roid rage? That's tacky, irrelevant to the argument, and frankly on par with something that Valfar would do.
I think the face he comes with is a bit too extreme and cartoony even for a cartoon character like Cobra Trooper, and I like some of the replacements people have found. That one above looks great.
this is awesome!!!! i started a 4 page arguement about money and capitalism just because i said SS should focus on improving their footwear. it was like rolling a tiny pebble down a snowy hill and watching it grow into a big snow boulder. i totally rock!!!:rock
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