I own both the Falcon and the X-wing. If not for all the LOTR SS/W stuff over the past couple years, I would have bought the newer releases as well.
These are nice display pieces. Very heavy. More than anything else, I was impressed with the way they were packaged up for shipping.
That said, I don't care too much for the Falcon. It has a very poor paint job, in my opinion. The weathering just looks like solid patches/streaks of gray paint.
Also, there was a major uproar when it first came out regarding it's design. If you are looking for a faithful representation of the model used during filming, this is NOT for you. Save up for Master Replicas. Other collectors discovered the Code 3 Falcon was largely a recast of some old Ertl model kit. The main give-away was that the Code 3 ship still had an empty socket in the back that was used to house some kind of switch on the old Ertl model. I'm no expert on this, so I suggest searching around the internet for more info if you care.
The X-wing was a huge improvement over the Falcon. However, I was still slightly iffy on the paint scheme. I saw the others (Slave I, AT-ST, Gunship) on display at C3. I think the quality keeps improving. Though, I do not care for the mini figures. I feel it makes them look more like the toy Action Fleet ships.
The Slave I looks great and is probably my favorite.