So after awhile on the board I've noticed something. Every now and then conversations shift in the direction of people calling toy collectors virgins. Now clearly just because you collect toys does not mean you're a virgin. And this is nothing against anyone that is.
What crossed my mind was for those of us single fellas that are in the dating scene, how does the whole toy collecting hobby work into that equation? I wanted to see what everyone else's take on the subject is and what their experiences have been like.
If it helps I'll give an example...
I had one experience late last year. I took this girl I met through a mutual friend on a few dates. We talk, we laughed, we just clicked. So after the third date I asked her back to my place. When we walked into my room and I turned on the light, she went quiet for second. I asked her what's the matter and she begins to snicker. I asked her what's so funny, and her response was "You collect dolls? That's kind of immature." and continued to laugh out loud. I stated that I didnt think got very I ended up just taking her home. I never called her again.
That was a pretty bad experience, but Ive also had very good ones. I've had girls show a lot of interest and tell me how cool it is. So obiously it differs.
Feel free to share your experiences, thoughts, opinions.