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Re: Collection Stash: Open Beta

Thanks Jay!

I am going to be doing Nacho's and Sean's requests next as well as do some work to the homepage.
Re: Collection Stash: Open Beta

I am enjoying the new look when I go to my stash.

Tyler, I submitted the Faith ex. What a pain. I just put 'Faith' as the title because that's what she is, and it said there already was one, and removed all of my info, lol. I had to re-input. And it wouldn't allow me to add it as a variant. I do NOT know why. Or maybe it finally did, I forget now. lol.

I have no idea what series these are, I'm sorry. I put 1, so if you can manually change that??? That would be great!
Re: Collection Stash: Open Beta

Uh, and I am trying to put a variant for the Dark Link. It is telling me it has no variants. Did I do something wrong when inputting? :slap

The photos I am putting in for the HP busts, if they can't be used on CS, let me know. I'll dig up some different ones. As long as I don't have to re-enter all of the info, I'm good.
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Re: Collection Stash: Open Beta

Uh, and I am trying to put a variant for the Dark Link. It is telling me it has no variants. Did I do something wrong when inputting? :slap

I don't see a Dark Link Ex in pending and I am not sure I remember approving one. Can you check out your history and see if you submitted one?
Re: Collection Stash: Open Beta

I am enjoying the new look when I go to my stash.

Tyler, I submitted the Faith ex. What a pain. I just put 'Faith' as the title because that's what she is, and it said there already was one, and removed all of my info, lol. I had to re-input. And it wouldn't allow me to add it as a variant. I do NOT know why. Or maybe it finally did, I forget now. lol.

I have no idea what series these are, I'm sorry. I put 1, so if you can manually change that??? That would be great!

Ok so when you put Faith in, did it tell you there was already a Faith Ex added? (Everything in the list is either approved or pending, I do need to do an update so that is obvious in that view). I see the Elektric Tiki Faith EX is pending, assuming that is the one you are talking about.

I can change the series, they can be found on Elektric Tiki's site all Buffy is Series 10.
Re: Collection Stash: Open Beta

Faith seems to be added fine so we'll just leave her at that.

With Dark Link, he's been approved already. But there is an ex that I want to add. But when I try it says that there isn't a variant for that piece.

I have been tagging the busts (as I do with everything) but just realized I may have forgotten to put 'Harry Potter' on a few of them for tags. Doh.
Re: Collection Stash: Open Beta

Faith seems to be added fine so we'll just leave her at that.

With Dark Link, he's been approved already. But there is an ex that I want to add. But when I try it says that there isn't a variant for that piece.

I have been tagging the busts (as I do with everything) but just realized I may have forgotten to put 'Harry Potter' on a few of them for tags. Doh.

Ah you will have to submit the Ex. If you go to the regular Dark Link detail page and then click the "Add Variant" link, that should help streamline the process a bit.

Yea being able to update Tags is high on my list. :D
Re: Collection Stash: Open Beta

Thanks. It was not allowing me to click the regular dark link to add the variant. It is now though, which is good.
Re: Collection Stash: Open Beta

It keeps giving me an 'oops' when I try to add the ex. Maybe because i can't put the ex retailer in? Which is First4Figures. It isn't in the drop down.
Re: Collection Stash: Open Beta

Hey Christina, I fixed the issue with First 4 Figures, you should be able to add Dark Link Ex now! Thanks for bringing that one to my attention.
Re: Collection Stash: Open Beta

For the Artist Proof field, I am going to set it up so that you can either have an Artist Proof or edition size (if one is available) but not both. Does that make sense to everyone?
Re: Collection Stash: Open Beta

Not that it matters too much but I also find some new icons I am going to use to replace the god awful ones I have now.