Comic Con 2013

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I have to share my pain.....

My 7 year old Son is dressing up as Coulson for SDCC, and the one thing that I really wanted to do was take him to the SHIELD panel and hopefully get him up to the mic for a question.

Now that the schedule is out, SHIELD is in Ballroom 20 and we plan on being in Hall H all day. Of course getting into either room is quite a task.

Through a connection that I have, we were offered "Reserved Studio Seating" for the SHIELD panel. However, that would require that we leave Hall H, and then after the SHIELD panel would not be able to get back into Hall H and would miss the Sony and Metallica panels

Plus the fact that pretty much nothing in Hall H before SHIELD is kid appropriate means we'd have to have his Grandparents drive him down and meet us somewhere at the Convention Center so we could take him to SHIELD, which would be a major PITA.

So after much discussion......we had to decline the Reserved Studio Seating for SHIELD.


If only SHIELD had been in Hall H. So bummed.

Not sure if that's pain, more of a dilemma...however, I wish you luck on getting in to both panels :pray: and most important a memorable time with your son.:1-1:

Crazy that SHIELD wasn't in Hall H...that sucks, you know its going to be packed! :cuckoo:
Please try to remain positive. I mean think of how lucky you are to be at SDCC at all. I can only go Sunday and I'm not bemoaning it even though I'd like to go the entire time. You really have zero problems, you've got a happy healthy family, and you get to enjoy all these conventions. Things could always be much much worse. Sorry to sound abrupt, but after treating oncology patients for the last year, I've sort of learned to let those tiny non-problems go and focus on how good I've really got it every single day and moment...
I'll take your Shield seat:)

I'm going to try and make a run for Metallica after shield. I'm mildly optimistic there's going to be some turnover from movies to metal. It's a dangerous bet no doubt.

Does anyone
I read more info on the Godzilla Building in Downtown SD, it opens Wednesday through Sunday from 5 to 9 and they will show the History of Godzilla and Then at the end you get some sort of swag. It didn't specify if you need a badge or not.
Aha! Thor and Cap concept art posters that are being handed out at the Marvel booth:


20th Century Fox panels announced as:

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

The Wolverine

A third "surprise panel", speculated to be X-Men Days of Future Past
I Just got a DM from Breaking Bads twitter and I'm on a alternating list so if there is some that don't RSVP. I get to go the Breaking Bad Party. Really Really Really Really hope I get in. :pray:X A Million
Awesome. I got on that too. Well, a friend of mine did and she put my name after yet another friend who actually got a slot declined hers and paid it forward to the first one.

I hope that made sense.