Comic Con 2013

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SO bummed that Agents of Shield isn't in Hall H....Pretty sweet that Metallica is having a panel. I can only imagine that one...
OK, what are the chances of making into Hall H after Hunger Games? I want to see Thor and Cap but having to sit through a full day of programming that I'm not that into would be hard to justify for a 1 hour panel. 300 would be cool and I don't remember what Fox has planned (new x-men movie?). Isn't Hunger Games for the Twilight crowd? I would hope enough screamy people would leave.
OK, what are the chances of making into Hall H after Hunger Games? I want to see Thor and Cap but having to sit through a full day of programming that I'm not that into would be hard to justify for a 1 hour panel. 300 would be cool and I don't remember what Fox has planned (new x-men movie?). Isn't Hunger Games for the Twilight crowd? I would hope enough screamy people would leave.

I suspect Hunger Games is gonna be packed. Hunger Games is absolutely NOT for the Twilight Crowd.
Downtown on 7th and J St. Legendary Pictures took over a building and it's full of scratch marks. It's for the new Godzilla. Hope it's open to the public as I can't go to the panel my electric wheelchair would be dead. Wouldn't be able to camp overnight like some do. :(
OK, what are the chances of making into Hall H after Hunger Games? I want to see Thor and Cap but having to sit through a full day of programming that I'm not that into would be hard to justify for a 1 hour panel. 300 would be cool and I don't remember what Fox has planned (new x-men movie?). Isn't Hunger Games for the Twilight crowd? I would hope enough screamy people would leave.

While the Hunger Games crowd may be "different" than the Marvel crowd, there is just no knowing what the heck will happen with Hall H. We just started going to Hall H panels a couple of years ago. Here are three examples based on our experience:

1. Two years ago on Friday morning my Wife and I decided to wander over to Hall H at around 11:00am. We walked up and got in line, maybe 100 people in front of us and that was it. The first panel had started and it was Tintin with Stephen Spielberg (who a lot of people wanted to see). 15 minutes after we got there, that panel got out and we were let in. Wah-lah!

2. Last year on Thursday, the very first panel of 2012 Comic Con in Hall H WAS Twilight. People were literally in line on either Monday or Tuesday, I forget which - one of them even lost her life when she left the line to get something to eat and was rushing back because someone called and told her that the line was compressing. She was hit by a car and died. Very sad.

My Wife and I showed up about 20 minutes before the Twilight panel started on Thursday - and walked right into Hall H with no wait. The last panel of that day was The Expendables 2. Some people sat next to us and said they had waited 3.5 hours to get in.

3. Saturday of last year (Saturday is typically the biggest day with the best panels, as it is this year) I was in line for Hall H at 8am because I wanted to be damn sure we got in to see MoS, IM3 and Hobbit. The line was a m-i-l-e long because Hall H hadn't opened yet. Around 9:30 the line started moving, and moving, and moving.....because there were 6,500 empty seats. We got about 50 people from the front of the line when it stopped - the room was full.

We never moved an inch, because no one left. And when the Iron Man 3 panel started, I think around 3pm or so, we finally gave up and left. Spent the entire day in line for Hall H and never got in.

We've only been doing Hall H for a couple of years, but IMO the "legend of Hall H" has grown thanks to the internet. You see all kinds of posts on the SDCC Facebook page and other websites telling stories like this and now people are in line earlier and earlier.

So the lesson is - you just never know. But personally, I would expect Saturday this year to be a lot like Saturday of last year.
Exactly :) That was kind of the point camping out. If you time it right you can get in without doing that but you pretty much have to commit hours of time waiting. Hall H is nuts.
Speaking of trying to get into Hall H is nuts: anyone know where I can get that great T-shirt with Boromir on the front saying: One does not simply walk into Hall H.

Would LOVE to wear it on Saturday.
I've been lucky in late Hall H panels before, but never on Sat. I too did not make it in last year on Sat and was stuck in the last channel where they split the line into 3 and never moved again. I bailed around 1:00.

I just thought there would be a large crowd for Hunger Games that wouldn't stick around after that. And that no Hobbit panel would have more people leaving throughout the day. I really don't want to line up at 2:00 in the morning and then sit through a full day of programming. I am getting too old and tired for this kind of thing.
Now that the full schedule is out, looks like it's Hall H all day Fri and Sat for us, possibly Thurs as well. Thankfully not a single thing in Hall H on Sunday that we are interested in. So we can spend that whole day in the exhibit hall, strolling around in our costumes.

Less than two weeks to go!!
What are the odds that the mysterious Deadpool footage are shown this year at the 20th Century Fox panel? Man that would be awesome.
Arnold and Stallone to host screening of their new movie "Escape Plan" at SDCC on Thursday:

This is outside of Comic Con and is likely to be something that you don't have to have a badge for. How cool would it be to meet those guys in person??

It says you can get tix at the summit booth in the Hall, not if there's any other place to get tix for this. They were pretty fun at the Expendables 2 panel.
More info:

Additionally, The Hollywood Reporter announced that there will be several ways for fans to get in to the screening, including online giveaways, through the Summit Booth, and through a special giveaway outside the Reading Cinemas Gaslamp 15 on Thursday evening. The “fan line” for tickets on Thursday will start at 5PM.
I'm looking for a poster buddy to help me get a couple of Mondo prints since I won't be there. Any help would be greatly appreciated!! Just drop me a PM. :1-1: