How in the blue hell does that make it designed by a 'fan boy'?
It's a fantasy figure based off of a comic book character, they're allowed to push it with a couple of things. Let's not forget that the AvP Elder wore a friggin cape and some other items (like his Bio Helmet decorations), and everyone's excuse was, "ceremonial attire" - the same statement could be used with her boots. Not practical to hunt in, but just fine otherwise.
Imagination, have some.
Edit: Further more, what in the HELL is with everyone throwing around the word 'fan boy' lately on the board? Can we please stop coming into threads based on certian franchises and stop poking out fingers into other peoples chest and saying "fan boy!"
In this case, the artists had a job to do, they made some kick ass looking armor, from what I can tell was based on Predator 2 and AVP:R. The people behind this wanted to make a cool looking figure, 'fan boys' or not.