That would be hilarious. And horrible.
Yeah I'm sure eventually Hot Toys will make some characters from the Prequel Trilogy but probably only after they've finished the big hitters from the Original Trilogy and the characters from The Force Awakens. I'm not even sure I'd buy any Prequel Trilogy figures as I really don't like the films much at all. The only ones I'd consider would be Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi (Attack of the Clones or Revenge of the Sith version, wouldn't care for a Padawan version), and Darth Maul. Anakin I wouldn't care too much about getting but like a lot of people I'd consider the Dark Side version from Revenge of the Sith.Anakin may no longer be in the cards... he was added back when HT first announced the collaboration with Sideshow to make 1/6 figures. Since they've gotten their own license they seem to be completely avoiding the PT, at least for now.
I assume they will at least release the major characters of the PT at some point, but they don't seem to be in a rush.
Honestly in some ways an unfinished C3PO from The Phantom Menace would sort of be cool if you ask me. Not a fan of the Prequel Trilogy for the most part and C3PO is a character I only need one version of, but that would be a somewhat cool variant.
That's true and I even thought about that while typing it, but I still think that could look cool in 1/6th form if done properly. Although with all that wiring and stuff I'd have to imagine it'd be a nightmare to assemble and make it look right. It probably would cost a lot too.But then you'd be admitting that Darth Vader built C-3PO, and IMO, that's worse than joining the Dark Side. I still have hopes that Disney will retcon the entire prequel trilogy and eventually make a brand new set of prequel films - ones that start with Anakin already in his 20's and an older Obi who isn't himself an apprentice. You know, take everything that's mentioned in the OT about the past and incorporate it into a set of three movies instead of crapping all over those bits.