OMG this child is really Darth Critter and from the dark side. He sleeps during the day and is up every hour during the night. I am sooooooooo exhausted and last night he was really not in a sleepy mood and fussy that I was ready to put him up for adoption. Sleep deprived of course. Now he is asleep, I am doing work from home so I can not sleep when he is sleeping. I am counting the days that he will sleep longer.
But other than that I love him to death. In two weeks time he has almost grown an inch so he is now 22 3/4 inches long and 11.4 pounds. He is not fat but just big big big. No wonder he is always hungry. I feel like a pacifier. Ugh.
I have attached a little smile I was able to get on the picture and yes that picture has him with open eyes so it was taken at night. Arghhhhhhhh.