Statue Cover Girls of the DC Universe

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I don't think anyone has mentioned her, so I'd like to throw Phantom Lady's name into the hat of DC ladies I wouldn't mind seeing as a statue.

Dammit these just look fantastic. On the whole they're better sculpted then Sideshow's figures and since I've had to miss out on recent SSC releases I'm thinking about jumping ship and buying these instead.

I just might sell my Excl. White Queen and use the money to pick this series up. I might be able to pick up about three of these with her sale.
Just tell her "But sweetie, that's how I see you!"...uh...on second thought that might get you pulverized and not even hamburger helper could save you! :lol

I agree Snoop about her being a statue, I was about to ask if the "But Sweetie Line" works Snoop for ya, I have some pretty hot statues and I use the "There just apart of the Collection" in a disconnected way, But on the inside Damn shes Hot fot a statue :naughty, It takes much more skill than alot of people really know. :D
I agree Snoop about her being a statue, I was about to ask if the "But Sweetie Line" works Snoop for ya, I have some pretty hot statues and I use the "There just apart of the Collection" in a disconnected way, But on the inside Damn shes Hot fot a statue :naughty, It takes much more skill than alot of people really know. :D

I've never used the "But sweetie line" :eek:...I like to use the "They're excellent examples of sculpture & painting" in an educational way. :D

Inside I'm going :drool :naughty :monkey5
Got Zatanna pre-ordered from BBTS. She should be shipping next week.

I'm only going to get Gotham related ladies out of these. Zatanna, Catwoman, Black Canary so far. I might stop after Huntress. Don't know if I want villains since there are so few, but how they look will answer that question definitively.