if someone on a keyboard types that they "pissed in my sandbox", but the sandbox outside my house is clean? .... yup ....
if someone on a keyboard types that they "pissed in my sandbox", but the sandbox outside my house is clean? .... yup ....
If someone pisses in your sandbox do you just roll in it?
.BTW Dave,this was not intirely derected at you.
Comparing when someone talks ^^^^ on the Internet to real life talking ^^^^ face to face is by far not the same thing.Yeah most of the time I do roll with it in the real world.But when I'm in a forum on the net I always roll with it,because it doesn't really mean ^^^^.Everyone here goes by a made up name and visual identity,and hardly any one's really acting like themselves.So how could you possibly take any of this ^^^^ seriously.The other thing too is,most of why this thread was started is because the guys that don't know how to talk ^^^^ back or talk ^^^^ but don't like it when their on the receiving end get's pissed off and goes crying to a mod.If we had some real adults here we wouldn't have this problem.
And I will say that I've talked many a ^^^^ in my day in this forum,but I have never,I repeat never,went and squealed on someone to the mods or over some petty ^^^^,ever!! (I don't do it in the real world either not even for a percentage! I just use my mouth or in this setting,my keyboard.)That to me has got to be the douchiest thing to do.
I use to think when I was a kid that when you grew up and became an adult that people start acting like an adult.After getting my first real job when I was 18 and till this very day I found that I was shockingly WRONG! People still act like children.I'm not ^^^^ing kidding,they really do.It's actually pretty ^^^^ed up to watch the way people act and ^^^^ each other over the way they do.I'm sure all of you know what I'm talking about.So I think if you have a problem,deal with it and move on.BTW Dave,this was not intirely derected at you.
...Everyone here goes by a made up name and visual identity,and hardly any one's really acting like themselves...
Well, that isn't entirely true... I go by my real name and I am pretty sure I act like myself when I am on the Internet. I've never understood the need to "hide" behind a user name when interacting across the net, and that is not to say everyone who uses a made up name is doing that. Most of the board members here are also known by their real names and aren't trying to hide anything or be someone else. For those few who do "hide" behind their user names and act differently when on the net, I have to ask why?
dont worry everybody i talk just as stupid in real life as i do here. "The Craw" isnt my real name though. i got it from this:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ftgAG3Vnif8Well, that isn't entirely true... I go by my real name and I am pretty sure I act like myself when I am on the Internet. I've never understood the need to "hide" behind a user name when interacting across the net, and that is not to say everyone who uses a made up name is doing that. Most of the board members here are also known by their real names and aren't trying to hide anything or be someone else. For those few who do "hide" behind their user names and act differently when on the net, I have to ask why?
In real life i'm a much bigger A-hole than on this board.![]()
In real life i'm a much bigger A-hole than on this board.![]()
Comparing when someone talks ^^^^ on the Internet to real life talking ^^^^ face to face is by far not the same thing.Yeah most of the time I do roll with it in the real world.But when I'm in a forum on the net I always roll with it,because it doesn't really mean ^^^^.Everyone here goes by a made up name and visual identity,and hardly any one's really acting like themselves.So how could you possibly take any of this ^^^^ seriously.The other thing too is,most of why this thread was started is because the guys that don't know how to talk ^^^^ back or talk ^^^^ but don't like it when their on the receiving end get's pissed off and goes crying to a mod.If we had some real adults here we wouldn't have this problem.
And I will say that I've talked many a ^^^^ in my day in this forum,but I have never,I repeat never,went and squealed on someone to the mods or over some petty ^^^^,ever!! (I don't do it in the real world either not even for a percentage! I just use my mouth or in this setting,my keyboard.)That to me has got to be the douchiest thing to do.
I use to think when I was a kid that when you grew up and became an adult that people start acting like an adult.After getting my first real job when I was 18 and till this very day I found that I was shockingly WRONG! People still act like children.I'm not ^^^^ing kidding,they really do.It's actually pretty ^^^^ed up to watch the way people act and ^^^^ each other over the way they do.I'm sure all of you know what I'm talking about.So I think if you have a problem,deal with it and move on.BTW Dave,this was not intirely derected at you.
Yup, I see no need to hide behind a username. I'm Josh and don't mind people knowing that. As far as how I act here compared to online. I think if you ask the people who have met me I think they'll tell you I'm the same in person as on here. I'm honest sometimes to a fault and sometimes let my tongue out think my brain.I try to be as down to earth here as I am in real life and as helping to others. I think here and online some people are going to like you and some won't. I try to not care nor worry about those that don't and be friends with those that do.
Well you may be Josh in real life but here you are ''The Josh''...![]()
Well you may be Josh in real life but here you are ''The Josh''...![]()
Well you may be Josh in real life but here you are ''The Josh''...![]()