Current discount codes at SSC

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Re: 25% off at SSC coupon code through May 7th

I don't want to create more fuss about this, but I don't recall seeing one too. :lol

Any sample emails showing it?

We have been emailing these out the last two to three years to our established clients through the email addresses registered to their online accounts. If you have not received one and feel that you qualify please forward me your contact information and email address registered to your account and I will reference our send list. In doing this we can either rectify an error, confirm it was sent (which means adjustments to your spam filters are necessary), or see if you did in fact use it but may have forgotten the redemption!

You can email me at [email protected] subject: Missed anniversary coupon. Your contact info and your email addy registered in your online account!

We will consider for next year the suggestion to opening the savings up to both in-stock and pre-order!
Re: 25% off at SSC coupon code through May 7th

I've been ordering since 2006 (wow those were the days, remember when 'streamline ordering' started?) over a 100 figures at least, and I also have never received any coupon whatsoever, just some thank you cards and calendars. I'm not asking for any favors, but I would like to know exactly why you can't combine discounts with reward points? Other than the obvious $ reason, I would hope it's not as simple as that though.
Re: 25% off at SSC coupon code through May 7th

I wonder who won the Thor.

There is no figure, it was just a sideshow ploy to get all of your information so they can tie you back to your accounts and rein fire on the misbehaving people.:devil

Re: 25% off at SSC coupon code through May 7th

I'm more interested in hearing if anyone heard back about the missed anniversary coupon. I sent off my info to the address that was given but I haven't heard anything back yet.

I'm not really expecting or anticipating anything, I'm more curious if I missed something along the way. Want to get my Spam filters fixed so I don't miss anything in the future.
Re: 25% off at SSC coupon code through May 7th

You haven't received a coupon offer ever? We send quite a few out. Are you talking ever or specifically the anniversary coupon?

I've been ordering since 2006 (wow those were the days, remember when 'streamline ordering' started?) over a 100 figures at least, and I also have never received any coupon whatsoever, just some thank you cards and calendars. I'm not asking for any favors, but I would like to know exactly why you can't combine discounts with reward points? Other than the obvious $ reason, I would hope it's not as simple as that though.
Re: 25% off at SSC coupon code through May 7th

Anyone who emailed me their address for missed anniversary coupons needs to give us at least a week to investigate! Make sure that inquires for that issue are emailed directly to me not PMed.

Winners of the Thor HT figures were NSJ23 & JonWes. Congrats!

I'm more interested in hearing if anyone heard back about the missed anniversary coupon. I sent off my info to the address that was given but I haven't heard anything back yet.

I'm not really expecting or anticipating anything, I'm more curious if I missed something along the way. Want to get my Spam filters fixed so I don't miss anything in the future.
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Re: 25% off at SSC coupon code through May 7th

Winners of the Thor HT figures were NSJ23 & JonWes. Congrats!

Even though I didn't win, thanks so much Chicky for going beyond the extra mile and offering a free Thor.
wait...2 free Thor's
you truly ROCK:rock2
Re: 25% off at SSC coupon code through May 7th

Congratulations! :grouphug *sigh* Oh well; I'm trying to view my luck now in terms of running water, bedsheets, and good health. :)
Re: 25% off at SSC coupon code through May 7th

Well at least there's two people that are happy I started this thread!

Congrats guys!
Re: 25% off at SSC coupon code through May 7th

LOL, what i meant was, my intent was just to save people money and bring SSC some new business. It ended up causing a lot of grief....Just happy to have some good come from it. :)
Re: 25% off at SSC coupon code through May 7th

Hey Guys,

Got some early feedback from these codes but it looks like half of the people who asked so far actually received them. Some opened them some never opened them.
Re: 25% off at SSC coupon code through May 7th

Awesome on the Thors! Congrats. I guess I missed it but I flex paid for one so I'll get mine eventually. :)

Chicky, is there a way to find out when your Sideshow Aniversary is? I know I have gotten them in the past but I didn't know they were a yearly occurance.

Re: 25% off at SSC coupon code through May 7th

Anyone who emailed me their address for missed anniversary coupons needs to give us at least a week to investigate! Make sure that inquires for that issue are emailed directly to me not PMed.

Winners of the Thor HT figures were NSJ23 & JonWes. Congrats!

Congrats fellas! :clap
Re: 25% off at SSC coupon code through May 7th

Anyone who emailed me their address for missed anniversary coupons needs to give us at least a week to investigate! Make sure that inquires for that issue are emailed directly to me not PMed.

Winners of the Thor HT figures were NSJ23 & JonWes. Congrats!

OH MY GOSH! That's amazing! Thanks so much! He's the only Avenger I didn't have ordered/pre-ordered!