Current discount codes at SSC

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Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings

they were not to try and fake people out and they were definitely not meant to cause issues with SS CS

:lecture Truth.

Only someone who has not participated in the thread, only someone who in fact didn't see those posts would say otherwise. Sideshow understands this. Mods understand this. I feel almost as strongly about the bad apples coming out now as I do about the people who called in to Sideshow to complain.

Another fact some complainers miss is that some of the people joking around are the same people who were posting the real codes to this thread - the same codes some of these complainers no doubt used to obtain discounts and points. :slap
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings

Here's the thing, the people complaining to Sideshow about the fake codes not working clearly didn't put the effort in to find the codes themselves, but rather simply trolled this thread to benefit on others hard work. Had they found the codes themselves they would have worked and there wouldn't have been an issue :wink1:
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings

Not to mention, I find if you are super nice to CS they are more likely to make exceptions and help you out more.

That's true--a good chunk of my job is customer service and I know it's difficult to take people who are screaming at me very seriously. Screaming at customer service reps is reserved for credit card companies only. They deserve all the rants they get.

Quick question--it doesn't matter to me really but why does moving this thread to a new forum result in the number of posts being reduced? I would think that should only happen if posts were deleted?
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings

Dang this conversation is still going on? It took me a few days to get my account verified, but I just wanted to say I creeped on you all for days. I felt as much entertainment reading this thread as I got getting codes till it turned into the "fake code fiasco". My first spooktacular was last year, but I wanted to say this years was very enjoyable for me. I am one that works in retail and I bring my laptop to work for my 15 and 30 min breaks. I could tell the difference between the fake codes and agree that people shouldn't just sign on just one time or need to understand the context said "fake codes" occur in, but also want to say you guys helped me out immensely and I still only got 7/13 cause of missing 10 min 2am codes =/ lol.

Yes a lot of people ruined it and created a lot of drama with Sideshows CS that should have never happened, but I just wanted to chime in and say we all arent retarded out there lol. I learned a lot about you guys and this forum was a really big help seeing who is buying what, who has what, RP/Sales strategies, etc. Just dont throw us all in the same boat. I wish my account activation could have been reviewed and accepted sooner to participate in the conversations, but ill be here for the 12 days of Xmas if the forum isn't super secured and password encrypted :thud:
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings

Quick question--it doesn't matter to me really but why does moving this thread to a new forum result in the number of posts being reduced? I would think that should only happen if posts were deleted?

This sub-forum, Sandbox, does not increase post counts - it's a VBulletin forum setting. So by moving the thread here, the forum doesn't include those posts when calculating the total that's displayed for your stats. As to the reason that Sandbox doesn't contribute to total, I can only assume it's because of the standard/typical threads in this forum that are composed of a lot of one liners and picture-only posts.
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings

I've only posted a few times in this thread but spent a lot of the last week reading it, and am exceptionally grateful to those that were posting up codes and sending out emails to ensure as many of us as possible were able to take advantage.

The fake codes were pretty obvious and just came a cross as a bit of fun to pass the time while waiting for more treats from Sideshow, I thought it was quite fitting for Halloween to have a few 'tricks' thrown in. None of it came across as malicious so it's unfortunate that Sideshow CS then had to deal with moaning from people unable to tell which codes were fake.
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings

This is my take on the fake codes

1. Easily discernible codes with disclaimers were posted, and probably did not contribute to any CS issues at SSC

2. Some members posted codes that looked legit. They matched the length and style of a real code, and they did not tag it in a way to make it seem fake.

I fell for a couple of these but it wasn't a big deal. My wife fell for one of these codes when I was at work and got a little upset that someone would do that.

3. As codegate escalated I noticed a longer response time to real codes. At first, a code would be posted and there would be a flurry of reposts.

Toward the end, a code would be posted and several other people would post before the reposts started. At one point there was almost 4 minutes between the initial post and the first reposts stating it was legit.

4. We have been told that these fake codes caused issues with the CS at SSC so they might have an impact on future promotions :(

5. In reality there was nothing funny or overly witty about posting a fake code so was it worth it?

For the most part, I had fun during Spooktacular, with the exception of trying to figure out the social media aspect of it.

I bought some great figures and between me and my wife we racked up $90 free dollars in RPs.

I'm looking forward to future promotions, I just hope there isn't so much drama associated with them
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings

Frankly, I chalk this whole thing up to the equivalent of some kids walking into an adult gathering and simply not understanding what's going on. This applies the people calling CS and those calling for bans or thread deletion.

If it weren't so sad, due to the fall-out, it would be hilarious.

This thread is a gift. The participants posting here are making it easy for some people who don't have social media accounts or simply can't be bothered with them.If someone is coming here to this thread simply out of laziness, well, that's their concern - we don't care, no one here had been putting restrictions on who gets to see the content.

But I want everyone to realize that anyone being critical in any way of the content of this thread, including being critical of the joking, is in my eyes, the equivalent of people calling Sideshow CS to complain. You are complaining about being given something for free. You are complaining about the hard work and efforts of many other people to maintain a fun environment and help other freaks capitalize on the promotions.

So if you want anything to change with respect to the way people act in this thread, you are saying you don't approve of the thread. And if you don't approve of it, you have the choice to stop following it. The next step is for those who enjoy it to take the conversation private. This would be a loss to anyone new who may never find out about its existence. Sideshow doesn't deserve complainers calling them and wasting their time. The contributors to this thread also don't deserve this. I'm speaking for myself, but willing to stick my neck out there for those that won't speak.
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Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings

Knock Knock
Who's there?
Banana Who?
Knock Knock
Who's there?
Banana who?
Knock knock
Who's there?
Banana Who?
Knock Knock
Who's there?
Orange who?
Orange you glad I didn't say banana?

That is more annoying than fake codes ;)
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings

Should be moved to the premium member section, imo. :monkey3
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Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings

Should be moved to the premium member section, imo. :monkey3

That cuts out a lot of people who actually contributed to this thread, posted codes when they showed up on twitter and facebook and official Sideshow e-mails, contributed to the conversation instead of just whining and demanding retribution for people joking around, as well as two of the people who busted their ***** on the e-mail list, including the OP.
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings

Cant believe people are still taking about this. I thought it would be done and over with.
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings

Yeah, I thought the same thing until this morning. Some people just can't let **** go.
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings

Is the rumor true that SSC will give out more codes if fake codes are never again discussed?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings

Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings

Lol, people still butt hurt over the codes?

Did anyone in this thread interfere with the official SSC facebook, twitter, email or other form of communication in any way, shape, or form?

To those complaining with excuses about how gullible and stupid you or your family members are, or how limited your time is to those who sacrificed to stayed up and deliver codes, shame on you, you pieces of crap. If your code was late, that's something to take to SSC, it had nothing to do with a fan made and fueled thread. If SSC wants you to have the code in a timely manner, maybe they should have made a thread here called "It's a contest, but we'll post everything here to make it easy anyways" and allowed nothing, but SSC employees to post, but guess what they didnt. Instead you're frustrated because the tidbit isn't here at your easiest convenience, again, no one's being paid to do this, but you self entitled **** come to the thread acting like you're owed something?

Private sub forum next year, starting with HDGUY at the top of the do not invite list.
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings

Yea I'll live missing a ***** or two rather than paying the premium.
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings

That cuts out a lot of people who actually contributed to this thread, posted codes when they showed up on twitter and facebook and official Sideshow e-mails, contributed to the conversation instead of just whining and demanding retribution for people joking around, as well as two of the people who busted their ***** on the e-mail list, including the OP.

Yeah, sub board is better, premium and non premium can use them, but you have to get an invite, so random Google users won't pull up what we're saying and the members causing **** this year won't be able to see either.
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings

why did this thread get moved?

I suggested it be moved to keep the thread out of search indexes and prevent access by guest visitors - people likely to not follow long-term and who may be confused by any jokes. Not to mention to prevent the indexing of long-expired codes in search engines.