Custom Batman Capes

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When the cape is on the figure, it is shorter in the middle than the sides, is this right iforigno? You can see whatever is behind him and stuff.

Yeah, that's my experience as well. Thankfully, there is enough material on the sides to hid that with some futzing, as you can see here:



If you look very carefully you can see a bit of the book case showing through between the folds at the bottom of those pics, but it definitely can be futzed to have that flush to the floor look.
All I have to go by is the 2 capes I have"


TDK long cape on left. TDK short on right.

From the center of the V, the short cape measures a full 4 inches to the end of the tabs. The long cape tabs measure a full 2 inches shorter. That's a lot less fabric to stuff in. Less than an inch when taking the depth of the shoulders into account.

For that price I would consider getting another long cape if I knew you had lengthened the tabs, and I wouldn't have to worry about them slipping out anymore. Regardless these capes are a steal at $15. :)

The short one I just received didn't have 4 inches of material from the start of the "V"?:monkey2:monkey2
More like 1.5 :gah:
^^^Heh, I just came from your photo thread! Even a hint at a photo compliment is huge coming from you! Would love to see what you could do with this figure! :bow

The short one I just received didn't have 4 inches of material from the start of the "V"?:monkey2:monkey2
More like 1.5 :gah:

Hmm, weird. Do your tabs look like the ones on my long cape? Wonder if Lance changed the design...
^^^Heh, I just came from your photo thread! Even a hint at a photo compliment is huge coming from you! Would love to see what you could do with this figure! :bow

Hmm, weird. Do your tabs look like the ones on my long cape? Wonder if Lance changed the design...

It's like a mix of both. I definitely don't have the tight curve that your short one has leading out to the tips. To be exact now that I went and looked at it again its about 2 inches of material.

Notice how much more pronounced the curve on your short cape is, here's a pic. I'm almost wondering If I got the long but then when I see the pics above of the long cape I know its not that one. I'll put it back on tonight and take some pics to see what you guys think.
Each cape is hand made thus there will be differences among each one.

Yeah but wouldn't you be using the same 2 templates (short, long) to cut the material at this point of your operation?

I'm not looking to return anything or complain, some guy went down that road a while back and it didn't go too smooth. I'm just pointing out the difference of twice as much on something that for all intents and purposes should be pretty similar especially when a lot of prospective buyers are going by what they see on other peoples figures. Again, pardon me if it comes across the wrong way but this is a discussion forum after all :wink1:
Each cape is hand made thus there will be differences among each one.

Yeah but wouldn't you be using the same 2 templates (short, long) to cut the material at this point of your operation?

Yeah, I've had the same thought. Unless Lance is using more than two templates, why would they come out so completely different. I mean, of course each one will be a little different because they are custom, but this looks like it was made from a totally different template. :dunno

I'm not looking to return anything or complain, some guy went down that road a while back and it didn't go too smooth. I'm just pointing out the difference of twice as much on something that for all intents and purposes should be pretty similar especially when a lot of prospective buyers are going by what they see on other peoples figures. Again, pardon me if it comes across the wrong way but this is a discussion forum after all :wink1:

Yeah, if it works (and I'm sure you can get it to stay on) then why worry about it. It's loads better than the HT cape! :)
I'll put it on later and post some pics but like you said, it is really different. I'm sure its the short though since that's whats more important to me and I'll try to make sure the shorter tabs stay in. Pics later on tonight.
The template is just the design. The part that comes out and is designed to fit into the slots I have to add on my own each cape so there are differences each time. But I would never sell a cape to anyone that would not look great.
Got mine and it looks great. The tabs are a little short and does fall out if I tug the cape a little, but I'm not going to be playing around with him anyways so I'm not bothered. But it cannot seem to stay in my other bats where the clip holes are slightly larger due to having put in the backpack and standard HT cape in once.

One thing though, Maglor's pics show a rayon cape correct? I like how in the shoulder area, the cape seems to fold and bunch up better... I think the velvet is slightly too thick to do that. Though the velvet does look more rich.
One thing though, Maglor's pics show a rayon cape correct? I like how in the shoulder area, the cape seems to fold and bunch up better...

Yes, that is true.

I think the velvet is slightly too thick to do that. Though the velvet does look more rich.

However, it's all in the futzing. Look how mine is bunched up. (left and lower right corner) As with any of these collectibles, futzing makes or breaks it.

I received my cape today. It took a bit to get in on where it wasn't falling out. Her's a quick pic but it doesn't show the cape that well. If my wife stops making faces, I'll try to take better pictures this week.
The template is just the design. The part that comes out and is designed to fit into the slots I have to add on my own each cape so there are differences each time. But I would never sell a cape to anyone that would not look great.

Why not just trace an entire cape including the V and tabs with tailor's chalk? :dunno
Why not just trace an entire cape including the V and tabs with tailor's chalk? :dunno

tailors chalk just does not work the way I want it to. I fold the material in half when I do it and using the tailors chalk would make things uneven. The way I do it the cape is symetrical also I have made improvements since I first began making them. The V used to be too big and now the V is just big enough. the cape will stay in as long as you are not messing with it. It is meant to stay in a pose and almost be a statue.
So I broke down and joined the "bandwagon" (haha) and made me some capes the other day. Turned out pretty good if I do say so myself. :)
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