Custom Batman Capes

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I work for a Huge commercial printing company in Dallas.
I do Variable Data programming.

Its kinda cool, I share the room with a couple of people who likes a lot of the stuff I like. It was cool when I first got hired and walked in the room, the walls are covered with posters of batman, supes, and other comic book heroes and movie posters. Every week they all go to lunch and go to the comic store and they have figures on the desk also. None of them knew about how toys til I showed them my collection. They love it and they ask me all the time if I bought anything new :)

Sounds like a fun bunch of coworkers! The guys I work with are a bit more into sports and cars, but they like the superhero movies and a few grew up with the 80s movies and cartoons like me, so they remember the cool stuff from back then. They all seem to take in interest in my collection, though, which is fun. I even talked one of the guys into pre-ordering HT Iron Man Mark IV with me, since Iron Man is his favorite comic book movie!

Oh crud, I think I'm hijacking the thread. Sorry Lance!
I still have material for capes if anyone is interested.

Get a cape while you can people! I have both the rayon/spandex and the velvet, and they are both excellent, but if you can only get one, go with the velvet!
Sounds like a fun bunch of coworkers! The guys I work with are a bit more into sports and cars, but they like the superhero movies and a few grew up with the 80s movies and cartoons like me, so they remember the cool stuff from back then. They all seem to take in interest in my collection, though, which is fun. I even talked one of the guys into pre-ordering HT Iron Man Mark IV with me, since Iron Man is his favorite comic book movie!

Oh crud, I think I'm hijacking the thread. Sorry Lance!

That's kinda like what happened at my work except it was my co worker's brother. He showed him a link to my collection and when Ironman 2 came out, he asked me to preorder War Machine for him.
Shipment going out on friday if anyone wants a velvet cape.

Well I already have 2 of your capes, but I just saw TDK again last night and I gotta say, the velvet capes really are more like the on screen cape.

If you have the material for another TDK LONG velvet cape, I'll take one. :)

I know it's past Friday, but I figure you can just put it in Vader's box, and I can sent you a total for shipping and the cape combined. Let me know.
Well I already have 2 of your capes, but I just saw TDK again last night and I gotta say, the velvet capes really are more like the on screen cape.

If you have the material for another TDK LONG velvet cape, I'll take one. :)

I know it's past Friday, but I figure you can just put it in Vader's box, and I can sent you a total for shipping and the cape combined. Let me know.

you got it bro
I'm interested in buying another cape that does not touch the ground ..ends just above the ankle.
Got my capes last Friday they look really nice, i see you posted on the Sept 1st when you said and it arrived on Sept 17th, must be those guys at customs but worth the wait THANKS.