Custom Clone replacement heads

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Not really, no.

I have to go buy dye, then strip the dye out and then redye and hope that its somewhere near the color I want. If it even takes. Fuss, mess, sturm und drang….. this is probably against the spirit of the thing, but Id just rather not.
Stuck this on here so that I would not lose it. Really wanted engraved, but this will do for now. Will probably reposition. That yellow stripe is going away, too as it does not match my color scheme. I so far cannot find a nameplate that exactly fits these stands.


Star Wars...? Nah. SW stands for Spraypaint Wars. I did not spraypaint my base coats on Darman, but I did for Wolffe and he's at four coats right now. My main war is against paint runs, which want to materialize no matter how lightly you spray. Its both easier and harder to spray, its hard to explain. Its certainly faster.

The bad thing about these projects is KEEPING UP WITH THE PARTS. It is a major, major MAJOR HASSLE. I'm taking parts outside one at a time so they wont get away from me. Its really sad! that I even have to resort to that. But many of these parts are really light and you look up and they're gone. [Or worse, you realize something is gone two days later.] Very stress-inducing.

My husband is watching this with interest, he's used to seeing me build kits and futzing around with stuff. Even he remarked on how many parts are involved with these projects. And, "Make sure you don't spraypaint a car!" This from the guy who once inadvertently almost stepped through the ceiling while in the attic and that mark is still on the ceiling, if you know where to look. 😉

Darman is coming along. Gathering reference for Wolffe, next up after him is going to be the King of Dual-Wield, the Master of Disaster, The Ayatollah! of rock and rolla! himself, Fordo. [Who got bumped out of line by Wolffe. Sorry dude.] Fordo will have his own headsculpt. Darman might too, but not right now.
That base looks really cool. Is it from the cyberpunk figures?
Also, I’m working on altering an open Star Lord helmet into a clone pilot helmet.
I know it’s not exact to Oddball’s helmet from ROTS, but I imagine it to be an interim or speciality pilot helmet.


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That base looks really cool. Is it from the cyberpunk figures?
Also, I’m working on altering an open Star Lord helmet into a clone pilot helmet.
I know it’s not exact to Oddball’s helmet from ROTS, but I imagine it to be an interim or speciality pilot helmet.

Yes that is a Cyberpunk stand; I bought two so Etain would have a matching one. That yellow is really jarring in person, its gonna have to go. I will probably paint the silver that shows around the new nameplate black, too.

Id really really like to find a stand allowing two figures together but thats a pipe dream.

Pilot helmet looks very good! (y)
Yes that is a Cyberpunk stand; I bought two so Etain would have a matching one. That yellow is really jarring in person, its gonna have to go. I will probably paint the silver that shows around the new nameplate black, too.

Id really really like to find a stand allowing two figures together but thats a pipe dream.

Pilot helmet looks very good! (y)
A two person stand isn’t hard to make. If you have a design in mind, it’s the easiest thing to make from sheet styrene. That’s what I use for all my builds.
SHOUT OUT TO THIS BASE RIGHT HERE: [protective translucent non-scratch sheets are still affixed to top and bottom of this base, it is actually clear lucite.]

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Why? You might well ask. Its complicated.

I have long taken issue with the wire crotch-holder part present on all HT stands [and others, as hardly need be said]. The wire part does not fit male bodies. Particularly armored bodies. I was beyond shocked when I used a generic black stand for my Etain custom and it fit her like it was made for her. Wow! So, all stands are made for female bodies?...? This makes no sense, as a good 80% of action figures that I've seen are male. And dont think you will be bending those wires with pliers to open them up more! Not unless you're Hercules, you aren't. Who made this design decision...? Ah well, we will never know.

Enter this stand, which is available with one of three types of crosspieces. This is the one I chose, and I love it. Wonderful. It will be very forgiving of bulky hip/waist armor. I will put clear urethane stick-on "feet" pads in the bottom, to keep the bottom from getting all scratched up.

This is a Worldbox body. I love Worldbox bodies long time, sailor. They are sturdy and weighty and the joints are PERFECT. Never buy anything else. Trust me. They are wonderful. Not to mention the body fits these armor parts like a glove. I am going to buy a female Worldbox body, I have no plans for such a figure but I want one! Maybe I will make a female Sith or something. That would be fun, because black costume parts are thick on the ground.

I have a week off coming up and I am looking forward to finishing Darman and I would like to at least get Wolffe's leg armor and feet on him. Working up, y'know. I still fight the urge to buy SSC Wolffe all the time, then I tell myself, What *IF* you delayed gratification for FIVE! WHOLE! MINUTES! while you get this guy painted up, this body would be much better than that SSC one, what if you adulted for five minutes?! Huh?! What about THAT????

Working on a team of spec ops clones wearing minimalist stealth armour. I’m using the Stealth Spidey figures. I have three so far for the team.
First up is Commander Longshot.
It’s a Rex head with darkened hair
I’ve given him a Mohawk from the Captain marvel figure. Just to make him look different.
I also made him a custom faceplate. I’ll be nodding it to have a t-visor and gas filtration equipment.


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Okay that's it. For several reasons I will not bore you with, I am putting Etain on a Worldbox body. Ixnay to the TBLEague body, its gonna be Worldbox. And she will be so much the better for it. I didnt want to do it. Wanted to use that TBLeague body, because what else am I gonna do with it? IDK, its already been repurposed once - but its not right for this character, its just way too buxom and I dislike the way the head joins to the body. Its got to go. Perhaps I will sell it... Thats such a PITA tho.

The female Worldbox body has a deltoid arm swivel that I very much want, +posing options.

Etain is basically done, once i redress her on the new body. Darman is 95% done. I should put him on a Worldbox too, DAMN IT.

I have bought two, count-them two Worldbox bodies this week, I've had to show a great deal of decorative restraint with Etain. I am going to make a little OC female Sith character just for fun. [Nothing to do with the other two, I just want to make her.] And SHE will be decked out. She gets all the jewels, the fancy makeup, the beads and crystals and slinky outfits that I cant give Etain. I am using this head:

[Quite an overbite, no?]


She's going to have the Sith eyes, dramatic makeup and the whole nine yards... I hate rooted hair, y'all. I just hate it so so much. Am putting her on the pale Worldbox body, which for some strange reason is $10 more than the tan body. Go figure!

I have not been painting my clone heads recently, being focused on Etain and Darman. Heads are in the background but not forgotten, I am halfway through painting Tup and he's been cooling his heels for over a month now.
Alllll-righty then.

Today I got my replacement WB body for Etain. And I have to say, it is quite exactly what was needed. This is the tan body, which matched her headsculpt perfectly.


I AM EXTREMELY IMPRESSED. Its almost a shame to cover this body up. They took the time to blush her joints...! This is a touch usually seen on high-end balljointed dolls. Her hands and feet are beautifully sculpted and posed. All joints are well-sculpted and just perfect. Has flat feet and high-heel type feet. Comes with a bunch of lovely hands.

This replaces the Phicen/TB League body she originally had. While nice, that body was very ****-tacular and also very muscular; it occurred to me that had I been planning a Chun-Li custom, that would have been the body to use.... but it was just too RAWR. I dont know how else to say it!

Also.... I have to say it, the Phicen body squicks me out a bit. Its very squishy and live-flesh feeling. Its just weird. I dont like it. Its.... inappropriate somehow. Like, who even thought this idea up, like its someone's sexual kink. I dont need my figures to be tactile. They're not RealDolls.

This body has a silicone? breastplate and lower torso too, but less squishy. And less noticeable, I dont know why we need silicone on these bodies at all, most of which will be covered by clothing for 90% of collectors but 🤷‍♀️ This body did not involve the problems involved with getting clothing on a Phicen body tho: you dont have to find baby powder or cornstarch, just BOOM! the clothes slip right on and I for one am grateful.


Sneaky peek

I have not really played with posing that much yet. She stands really well on her own, even.

I want to get her a lightsaber more appropriately scaled for her hand-size, and that probably means a custom one. Its going to be expensive. I'd adore to see her and Darman lit up by a blue lightsaber. That would look suuuuuuper nice.

She does pose super well, and I love her prettier arms and hands. This is the AT201 body.
So I bought this....

And I was like, needs work, not sure what I'm going for here but this is gonna need a little modding. The eye decals on mine look almost nothing like this, she looks like Pat Benatar got off a red-eye from Europe and the irises are not even really blue. I have no idea who decided that she needed pink eye whites.

ym edit1.jpg

I think I'll just start allllll over from scratch with these eyes, I was laying down a white foundation here in order to change iris colors, But the eye white situation is still some kinda bad. I just cannot with this. This face paint is nowhere near done.

Since HT refuses to give us Twi'leks or any kind of slave girls *at all*, booooo! hisssss I am gonna make one. Or two. Or three. And what is more Swarzy than a metal bikini...? I made this girl one and I want to run out of the house, screaming. If there is one thing I hate its teeny jump rings. Thankfully I think the worst is over.

My head-canon Boba has a harem on Tatooine. He does. Time to manifest it.

I tried posing her nude on the arm of the throne just to see how she'd do and my husband was like, What's going on here?! I told him Dont ask.
So I bought this....

And I was like, needs work, not sure what I'm going for here but this is gonna need a little modding. The eye decals on mine look almost nothing like this, she looks like Pat Benatar got off a red-eye from Europe and the irises are not even really blue. I have no idea who decided that she needed pink eye whites.

I think I'll just start allllll over from scratch with these eyes, I was laying down a white foundation here in order to change iris colors, But the eye white situation is still some kinda bad. I just cannot with this. This face paint is nowhere near done.

Since HT refuses to give us Twi'leks or any kind of slave girls *at all*, booooo! hisssss I am gonna make one. Or two. Or three. And what is more Swarzy than a metal bikini...? I made this girl one and I want to run out of the house, screaming. If there is one thing I hate its teeny jump rings. Thankfully I think the worst is over.

My head-canon Boba has a harem on Tatooine. He does. Time to manifest it.

I tried posing her nude on the arm of the throne just to see how she'd do and my husband was like, What's going on here?! I told him Dont ask.

I'm a member of a 1/6 group on facebook where one guy(Who is single), keeps posting sexualised images of TBLeague female figures wearing underwear, or nothing at all. It just seems like the least sexual thing ever, a picture of a naked dolly, lol. I always prefer my SW characters clothed, especially female characters. But i suppose if Boba had a harem, they might be scantily clad.

About the head, if i want to do an eye repaint, i repaint it all with an off white first. I'm sure you've done the same yourself.
I've seen that head before but the images are always of a proto. When buying from china, i always ask for an in hand image, just to make sure of what i'm getting.
Of course, if it's $30, it won't be HT quality, and you know that going in, lol.
I came across someone selling the CW Ahsoka Lekku part a while back on facebook and picked that up. I chopped up a female head to put the face in there but i've never gone any further.
I also picked up a head recently that I think will work for a Dedra Meero custom. I’ll have to reroot the hair but I fancy a challenge.


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This one will be scantily clad, but she does NOT have huge ridiculous ****s. And no regular lingerie. Im going for elegant.

I see a lot of sexualized 1/6 on ebay, and many of them are both sad and funny. (Always looking for costume parts, Im scrolling through when suddenly..... ) Floss thongs on a Phicen? Ok.

I am indeed going to white her eyes all the way out and start over, for a couple reasons.

Your twi'lek looks GREAT, keep going with that!!!!
This one will be scantily clad, but she does NOT have huge ridiculous ****s. And no regular lingerie. Im going for elegant.

I see a lot of sexualized 1/6 on ebay, and many of them are both sad and funny. (Always looking for costume parts, Im scrolling through when suddenly..... ) Floss thongs on a Phicen? Ok.

I am indeed going to white her eyes all the way out and start over, for a couple reasons.

Your twi'lek looks GREAT, keep going with that!!!!
Lol. I’ll never do anything with it. I started it but have several projects that are taking ages. This project will never get done.
Also. A friend of mine is making a custom lineup of the rebels crew in a realistic fashion and I sold her a HT Ada Wong that had repainted hair for Sabine and a Dam head for Ezra.
Below is a pic of her current lineup at the moment.
And the reason I mention it is that she asked me to make her an old man Rex.
I did a repaint on Jesse to make him look a bit older and have sculpted him a beard.
Pics below. The beard still needs a dark wash to bring out the sculpted details.


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I gave the beard a black wash then dry brushed it white and I’m happy with the result. I didn’t realise when I started that the fimo I’m using was glow in the dark, lol. It adds to the comedy value when the head is in the dark.


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