After some thought, this and only this has to be the Fordo head I end up using: he needs that level of sneer.
Because you just know, this would be one arrogant guy. How could he not be? So this is the bare resin, he's in prep right now.
This build is coming along. His lower body is just plain white, which helps matters. I should have dull-coted his leg armor and boots, but after the level of fear involved in getting his feet on, idk. We'll see. I really just hate hate hate taking hands and feet on and off. Even with a hair dryer its just awful.
[He got tired of bare feet, though.]
Etain and Darman are done, except for one thing. I bought her a light saber and painted it. The HT one I had was just too big for her hand, so the new one had a smaller hilt. When placing it in her hand... I broke it. That was an expensive break. I saved the pieces for another project, maybe.

Because you just know, this would be one arrogant guy. How could he not be? So this is the bare resin, he's in prep right now.
This build is coming along. His lower body is just plain white, which helps matters. I should have dull-coted his leg armor and boots, but after the level of fear involved in getting his feet on, idk. We'll see. I really just hate hate hate taking hands and feet on and off. Even with a hair dryer its just awful.
[He got tired of bare feet, though.]
Etain and Darman are done, except for one thing. I bought her a light saber and painted it. The HT one I had was just too big for her hand, so the new one had a smaller hilt. When placing it in her hand... I broke it. That was an expensive break. I saved the pieces for another project, maybe.