Custom Joker Tie

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You've been here just over two years and you're just discovering this now? ;)
Glad I got out of this when I did. I still am excited to see everyone else eventually get their tie though.
I'm gutted how this is going as well. I was hoping to get a tie from this person since billyb is no longer acknowledging any of my messages for 2 shirts and ties. Since I've been enquiring and chasing him since September.
Hey guys,

Yes it has been a little while since I posted an update. I was actually able to work through alot of these last weekend and should be able to knock them out this coming weekend. I will post another update with pics then. I got back to my normal schedule at work again so I have been able to work more regular now plus I pretty much have everything moved into my new shop now. I really appreciate everyones support on this and everything else that got delayed. Catch everyone this weekend.

BlindVoyeur, can you also make another type of tie or are you only making Joker ties alone?

I was trying to get billyb to make a tie for me but he doesn't seem to be interested in communicating with me. To even say yes or no, sorry no longer taking commissions.

I was hoping to get him to take up this when all communication died.


For my Harvey.