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Hey Ryan,

Sounds like you have been through a lot of tough times and i'm sorry to hear about that. But glad that things are looking up! Good luck and hope things continue to improve.

I can wait for the ties.

No worries about a 15$ toy tie on my end, BV. I haven't minded the wait one bit. Family comes first, let no one bully you different.
I'm really sorry to hear your family problems, and I really hope that everything will be better and that very soon.

But still I'm a bit astonished when I see the case with 'pumuckl8968'. He is waiting almost a year for his figure. As for myself I can wait for the ties, 15$ are not the world, but when something isn't finished don't tell someone that it's already finished and shipped and the customer is waiting a year for his package.

Still I hope that everything will be well for you and your family and you will have fun again on what you're doing in the future.
Sorry to hear about your situation Ryan, hope all goes well.

No problem waiting for a toy tie, but have to echo what Thrust said; just don't tell people they are completed and getting sent out when they are not. Miscommunication is moreso the problem here, not the wait. For me, anyway.
But still I'm a bit astonished when I see the case with 'pumuckl8968'. He is waiting almost a year for his figure. As for myself I can wait for the ties, 15$ are not the world, but when something isn't finished don't tell someone that it's already finished and shipped and the customer is waiting a year for his package.

No problem waiting for a toy tie, but have to echo what Thrust said; just don't tell people they are completed and getting sent out when they are not. Miscommunication is moreso the problem here, not the wait. For me, anyway.

Couldn't agree more with these guys. It just shows distrust and can end up blowing whatever trust there was with some people to their customizer.
I hate to say it but soon never arrives and he's been saying this weekend for god knows how long now. Goes back as far as 15th of April. We're now in June. Almost 2 months ago.
Ok I am back on-line again. I know I have been spacey lately and not on the board much. Even though this is not like me at al,l I only feel it is fair to my customers to know exactly what is going on with me. Again I have always hated to air my person issues out on the boards but lately me being M.I.A. alot needs an explaination.

Late last year on top of my job being getting busy, my wife started having issues with insomnia. It just came on very quick and was odd because she went to bed every night like clock work. After that she started getting alot of anxiety about not getting enough sleep for work the next day and became very upset about the whole deal.She would panic about not sleeping, and eben started to get chest pains. We went to several different doctors only to get no real answers. Tons of tests, and still no answers. One doctor helped and attributed it to stress due to her very crappy parents that moved closer and won't leave her alone that much (I could go on for hours about this) anyway a few weeks ago she finally stood up to her mother (who is always a victim in everything) pulled the poor me, everybody hates me thing and tried to kill herself (more of an attention getting way) but ended up in a mental hospital to be observed for a few days. Of coarse the did put the stress levels through the roof and the sleep issues started up again. As stated before she went to bed every night at 9:00pm like clock work, then I would work on customs till 1:00 or 2:00 and all was great, now alot of nights are spent trying to take care of her and help her try and calm down. It actually put a bit of a strain on our relationship for a while, but things seem to be alot better now and we are closer for it. Still working on the sleep thing some nights but not as bad as it was. On top of all this I have been trying to finish a contract at work and average driving 1400 - 2000 miles a week to the different locations. Most of my close friends from the board know what has been going on and have been a great help.

The kicker is alot of my projects are very close to being completed or even fully completed and just needing to be packaged and shipped out. Again I really hate coming here and airing all of this out because I try to keep my personal life and customs life seperate, but lately it is not working. The good news is the work contract will be completed next week, so the crazy driving and hotel stays will be finished. My wife knows I am stressed to the max with all of this and actually feels bad for parts of it and has agreed to help me finish (mostly by packaging and mailing things for me) so I can get all of these things out to you guys. Again I am not looking for sympathy or playing the poor me artist card, I just wanted everyone to understand what has been going on. We should get alot accomplished toward this, this weekend and get everyone the updates so long over due. Things will definatly be better soon.

Thanks to everybody,

But still I'm a bit astonished when I see the case with 'pumuckl8968'. He is waiting almost a year for his figure. As for myself I can wait for the ties, 15$ are not the world, but when something isn't finished don't tell someone that it's already finished and shipped and the customer is waiting a year for his package.

His get out clause doesn't wash.

How can he say all that then be posting this and this. Honesty and being upfront is not his motto.

If his wife is that crucial that he's having to put this job aside what's he doing making ED-209 domes for other people when he can't fulfill his already orders for Joker ties and god knows what other old orders he has with other people. Yes it's great of him to be working on replacement domes for people when they are perishing badly but this trust in him I can't see happening with ED-209. He can't complete already placed orders for people so what's he doing taking on new commissions for. If he can get sick of making ties, he'll get sick of making domes and brush others off.

This isn't an attack, it's the fact of truth. Nearly 3 months later that post is about his job and issues with his wife. He doesn't seem to have a very good memory.
Actually I have been posting updates on my project through out the week. My wife is doing alot better now that they have got her on medications. Also I have been on vacation from work all last week and getting caught up on all past projects. That is the only reason I took on the replacement dome project a few days ago. I never said I was sick of making ties or anything, and in fact I didn't take on any further projects until I was caught up more. If anyone is upset with this or how I have handled it, I will refund this project and move on. I know I got behind but am finally getting caught up. Again if anyone wants a refund or out of this project I understand just let me know.

Thanks. I know I really screwed up this project so I just wanted people to know the option was out there since there were a few upset people. That is the main reason that on any future work I am doing, no money up front just in case things happen. It has taken a while but you live and learn. Mainly I am glad that things are moving forward again and I am able to work on projects again.

Sorry about that Snake. Everyone who ordered a tie from me they will be shipped out no later than 7-15. Some of them are shipping out with the large batch of stuff I have going out next week, but they all will be shipped by 7-15. I hope this clears everything up and if anyone has further questions feel free to drop me a PM, I am pretty much back full time now so I am trying to answer people ASAP.

Thanks Again,