Super Freak
I still think they're setting up some sort of "legacy " aspect, where Sarah gets killed and Laurel takes up the mantle of Black Canary.
I know I've said it before, but I just don't see how Laurel could become Black Canary. She's light years behind the rest of these characters in skill and training. I can't imagine a scenario where it becomes even remotely plausible.
Slade told Laurel that Oliver was the Arrow to put her in a moral dilemma. Her father has been arrested for not giving up Arrow's identity. Now she has to decide weither to save her father with that information and expose Oliver, or protect Oliver's identity and watch her father go to prison. Slade still suffers emotionally and he wants Oliver to do the same. It's not rocket science. Currently my only gripe with this show is Detective Lance's apparent ignorance of the fact that Oliver is Arrow. A decent detective could have put that together pretty quick after the vigilante/Arrow turned up right after Oliver returned. Now that he knows Sarah is Black Canary it seems more than ridiculous that he hasn't put two and two together on Oliver/Arrow. They are probably saving that reveal so Lance can have a Captain Stacy/Spider-man moment before taking the dirt nap. Other small things I'm willing to give a pass if it means keeping the viewer numbers up.
Nope, it's not rocket science at all. In fact it's quite the opposite of it.Slade told Laurel that Oliver was the Arrow to put her in a moral dilemma. Her father has been arrested for not giving up Arrow's identity. Now she has to decide weither to save her father with that information and expose Oliver, or protect Oliver's identity and watch her father go to prison. Slade still suffers emotionally and he wants Oliver to do the same. It's not rocket science. Currently my only gripe with this show is Detective Lance's apparent ignorance of the fact that Oliver is Arrow. A decent detective could have put that together pretty quick after the vigilante/Arrow turned up right after Oliver returned. Now that he knows Sarah is Black Canary it seems more than ridiculous that he hasn't put two and two together on Oliver/Arrow. They are probably saving that reveal so Lance can have a Captain Stacy/Spider-man moment before taking the dirt nap. Other small things I'm willing to give a pass if it means keeping the viewer numbers up.
They're trying to hard to draw it out for a good closer, what they should do is have Slade fade for awhile making Oliver wonder what will happen next if they want it to play longer rather than having Slade perpetrate all these... well, basically harsh practical jokes. They could still show what hes up to like with him grabbing the bus of prisoners without involving him in the other crap for filler.