It makes me a little sad that so many people are saying "Joker." You're missing out on one of the most well hidden gems of the '90s, if you've never seen Shipp's Flash. This was just such an amazing episode. So much of that retro goodness, from Hamill, Shipp, and all of the Trickster references to one half of Murphy and Bellows being the Mayor of Central City. I really, really hope they have the balls to just go all the way and give us a revival of the classic TV series/epilogue. Just for the interactions between Shipp and Gustin alone. I mean, the blueprint is right in the books, with "The Flash of Two Worlds," but, rather than Jay Garrick, they can give us the OG Barry Allen, one last time.
Also, my guess is that, judging by tonight's events, if Barry succeeds in altering the timeline that, maybe, we get good Dr. Wells, and, perhaps, his wife, on Team Flash next season? Cavanaugh's too awesome not to be a regular, so, I'm really hoping that the whole Face/Off scenario tonight is planting the seeds of his salvation.