Insufferable S.O.B.
Yea it has to be the real Jay. The current Jay may be some type of clone.
Yea it has to be the real Jay. The current Jay may be some type of clone.
How does this show, week after week, continue to get better?
Another amazing episode tonight.
So who do we think the guy in the mask is? And how does Jay fit in with him?
Does the orange and blue lightning differences play into it at all, or if you're a speedster, it changes to whatever you want it to be? Because "Jay Garrick" had the same colors as Barry. Not sure if it is just an aesthetics thing or if it's supposed to be consistent, in which case they're not the same person, but I like how there's all these theories. Love this show's cliffhanger after cliffhanger while progressing the story as a whole, even with subplots.
My guess is Zoom could be someone else entirely. I feel that Jay Garrick is actually Hunter Zolomon. Trying to fix himself as maybe he couldn't match to the speed of the Flash. He said he was an addict and notice how Jay can only contain his power for so long. Maybe it isn't necessarily that they gave Hunter those time freezing burst powers, but rather Hunter only has burst of speed.
Thing is, if Zoom is just some random dude it cheapens the significance of his reveal.
Other than Jay, I don't see who else he could be revealed to be that would truly hold some weight.
I'm way behind on the episodes, so what I'm going to write might not make sense with the storyline, but couldn't Zoom be John Wesley Shipp? I read that their silhouette were awfully close on a website. Couldn't he be that Earth Henry Allen. That would have some weight!
After taking it all in, and reading around, I think ScreenRant's theory makes the most sense to me (and it's a pretty clever one that I could definitely see being true):
Earth 2's Jay Garrick is the Zoom 'we know.' But the guy in the mask is the same Jay Garrick from Earth 2 - only from an earlier time, yet same Earth 2.
The Jay we know used to be a speedster like Barry (true), gets addicted to Velocity and loses his powers (true), but in the process becomes mentally unstable, 'creating/becoming' Zoom. In the process of losing his powers though, Jay/Zoom goes back in time, kidnaps his younger self, brings him to his present time and holds him prisoner, harvesting his younger self's cells to keep his powers. During all of this, we have the S1 finale - 'portals' open everywhere. Zoom finds out about Barry and then begins his quest to take even more speed.
And this theory still preserves Hunter Zolomon as a Zoom/Reverse Flash for a season to come, etc. should the writers choose to cease the opportunity.
Where is that Alonzo mourning gif when I need it...
After taking it all in, and reading around, I think ScreenRant's theory makes the most sense to me (and it's a pretty clever one that I could definitely see being true):
Earth 2's Jay Garrick is the Zoom 'we know.' But the guy in the mask is the same Jay Garrick from Earth 2 - only from an earlier time, yet same Earth 2.
The Jay we know used to be a speedster like Barry (true), gets addicted to Velocity and loses his powers (true), but in the process becomes mentally unstable, 'creating/becoming' Zoom. In the process of losing his powers though, Jay/Zoom goes back in time, kidnaps his younger self, brings him to his present time and holds him prisoner, harvesting his younger self's cells to keep his powers. During all of this, we have the S1 finale - 'portals' open everywhere. Zoom finds out about Barry and then begins his quest to take even more speed.
And this theory still preserves Hunter Zolomon as a Zoom/Reverse Flash for a season to come, etc. should the writers choose to cease the opportunity.
They have guns and the Flash..... and Zoom frozen on the ground unable to move...... yet they all run away. They could have killed him right then and there..... he is so fast there is no way they could put enough distance between themselves and Zoom to get away anyways once he does break free.
How stupid.
They have guns and the Flash..... and Zoom frozen on the ground unable to move...... yet they all run away. They could have killed him right then and there..... he is so fast there is no way they could put enough distance between themselves and Zoom to get away anyways once he does break free.
How stupid.