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actualy, there IS a Eu explanation, and beleive it or not, it does make sense.
Her species are like Camels. Their bodies Hold water in dry environments so they can survive long distances in areas where there is not alot of water, simular to a camels hump. To quote her from the novel in which this is explaned She looks "alot Different" in those enviornments. I beleive this is why she and Dengar Live on a jungle world. :lol

( Yes, she becomes Dengar's wife. After Jabba dies Dengar Goes back and loots jabba's palace. He finds her doing the same, and they kinda hook up. On their way out, Dengar stops to pay his respects to Fett at the Great pit of Carcoon, which is when they find him allmost dead there)

However, Evilface, I get the impression that the rather scientific explantion would still not satisfy you as
1) it wasn't in the films, so it's inherently terrible
2) you're over the age you were when you saw the films so it can't possibly be good :lol

Just poking fun mate. YOu're allowed your opinion, just as I am. But come on, you've got to admit that it atleast makes sense. ( the water-holding, not the Dengar marriage part)

WTF?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA "My humps, my humps, ain't ****s but camel bumps!" Does that mean that those aren't ****s, but like, Camel humps?! Taking it a step further, does that mean that her nips are like sports bottle caps and unleash water on demand?! Aside from being REALLY ^^^^^king disgusting, I guess it makes sense. Still doesn't justify the action figure though. And poor Dengar. He settled. I see Gargan hooking up with someone like the Rancor Keeper (match made in twinkie heaven), but not Dengar. S**T! Poor Boba. Imagine suffering the Saarlac for that long and the first thing you see after being pulled completely out is Gargan... I'd roll right back in with a Wilhelm Scream!
No, she's got six breasts, her whole body takes on water like a calel's hump. She she appears fat, when it's merely LOADS of water. In the book, as I said, they live isolated on a jungle world, and she soposidly becomes EXTREMELY thing. and still has six ****s.
Weird Species.
No, she's got six breasts, her whole body takes on water like a calel's hump. She she appears fat, when it's merely LOADS of water. In the book, as I said, they live isolated on a jungle world, and she soposidly becomes EXTREMELY thing. and still has six ****s.
Weird Species.

Maybe it's just me, but I find it freakishly odd that you know so much about her. Do you have a lifesize standee of D'Al'Gargan on the ceiling of your bedroom? It's okay, don't be shy. You wouldn't be alone. Memnoch has one too!
Hey now! I have wanted this character all my life! Hahahaha!

No, seriously. She's just so weird and nasty... you got this hot Twi'lek dancing around and here comes this wart faced chub. She makes total sense when you look at the rest of Jabbas' pals and hangers-on. Go to where your local scum and villainy hang out, and it won't be pretty.

Well said Ed, I for one thought it was cool that Hasbro finally released this character. Kenner has had a prototype ready to go for either the ROTJ/POTF line from back in the day.
Maybe it's just me, but I find it freakishly odd that you know so much about her. Do you have a lifesize standee of D'Al'Gargan on the ceiling of your bedroom? It's okay, don't be shy. You wouldn't be alone. Memnoch has one too!

Wow way to take it personal. Sorry my collecting habits are not reflected in yours. :rolleyes:
Wow way to take it personal. Sorry my collecting habits are not reflected in yours. :rolleyes:
He seems threatened by all those breasts.... :lol

Seriously though, what's up with all the innuendo? Nobody infers that someone who buys Freddy Krueger or Predator toys do so out of sexual fantasization, so how is this any different? Thenammagazine's toys must serve a different function in his life than mine do.... :horror
Maybe it's just me, but I find it freakishly odd that you know so much about her. Do you have a lifesize standee of D'Al'Gargan on the ceiling of your bedroom? It's okay, don't be shy. You wouldn't be alone. Memnoch has one too!

.... what are you 12? or just a /b/tard ( mentaly 12) ?

Meh, if you're 12, you're excused. if you're a /b/Tard, then I say to you, Get back to bed. Also ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWA.


Seriously, though, to answer your question, I'm a walking encyclepedia of star wars, EU and otherwise. I know too much for my own damn good
.... what are you 12? or just a /b/tard ( mentaly 12) ?

Meh, if you're 12, you're excused. if you're a /b/Tard, then I say to you, Get back to bed. Also ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWA.


Seriously, though, to answer your question, I'm a walking encyclepedia of star wars, EU and otherwise. I know too much for my own damn good

Who jumps on a Sw fan for knowing too much crap about characters? Is NamMag new to this whole thing?
Who jumps on a Sw fan for knowing too much crap about characters? Is NamMag new to this whole thing?

I was kidding. As in, giving him a bad time. Sorry, didn't know that was illegal. To make amends, I can have Amazon.com dropship a box of tampons...

As I stated earlier, I don't see there being a big market for this figure other than the few hundred people at max (out of the millions), who will pick her up. I just don't think that justifies a mass-market release. A Hyperspace exclusive? ABSOLUTELY. But not a retail bombardment. My point is further proven as I'm already seeing her follow the path of all the Landos they've produced over the years. Pegs are full of passed over D'Al'Gargans. Even the re-released Obi Wans, Plo Koons and Anakins are outselling her.
Apparently we missed the section where it was said personal attacks aren't tolerated. Saying you'd drop ship some one a box of tampons is, without a doubt I think, a personal attack.
Haha, ok, ok, it's Friday - let's simmer down now.

Yeah, it's a mostly niche market, and there's some solutions we've talked about on our show:

1: Figure subscription service. Sort of like Columbia House. you don't want it? tell Hasbro or send it back before you open it.

2: Two toylines simultaneously released. One largely for kids who don't care for old Gargan that just want Vader battling Luke or whomever. One line to appease adults and collectors with LIN droids and crap.

Haha if line two consisted of figures on vintage-esque cardbacks, would see fantastic updates of the entire vintage figure range (Jabba, Rebo Band as well), and some new additions then sign me up! And Ed, which show is this..? (forgive my ignorance).
Well, if I offended anyone then I apologize. If people were taking it as an intentional personal attack, then I think they're either reading too much into the comments or trying to stir up drama. There were no direct "personal attacks" intended and those individuals trying to infer that there were should probably get back to their TiVo'd One Life To Live marathon...

Haha if line two consisted of figures on vintage-esque cardbacks, would see fantastic updates of the entire vintage figure range (Jabba, Rebo Band as well), and some new additions then sign me up!

Hey, it turned into a virtual gold mine for Hasbro and their G.I. Joe line but that doesn't change the fact that I still don't see this figure selling enough to justify the mass production for a major line.
Careful how you discuss this figure, SS may just make her, so far they have made every char oddball except the ones we really want ( Lando, Chewy, Droids ) I would ROFL if she pops up as a SS Ex
Careful how you discuss this figure, SS may just make her, so far they have made every char oddball except the ones we really want ( Lando, Chewy, Droids ) I would ROFL if she pops up as a SS Ex

I'm sure the three/four people here who actually bought the figure would be VERY happy. SideShow, however, would be unhappy with the overall sales and most likely have her on Gift Card status in record time. I doubt she'd sell then and wouldn't even really sell at 50% off. What's left of the Hunhcback would go faster! I can see it now:
"Gee....what'd I ever do to you?!"
Haha if line two consisted of figures on vintage-esque cardbacks, would see fantastic updates of the entire vintage figure range (Jabba, Rebo Band as well), and some new additions then sign me up! And Ed, which show is this..? (forgive my ignorance).

I think you're right! Just as SSC raised the bar for 12" Sw figures/dolls, Hasbro could really knock it out of the park with the separate lines. :chew

Ah, my plug! The show is called Voice of the Republic, and you can get there by clicking my banner under here. If you check it out, let me know what you think.
I think she's awesome. When it comes to the 3 3/4 figs the more obscure the better. I remember her story from tales from Jabba's palace(not a bad book IMO)

Now I wish they would give us the Tonika sisters.
Sadly we will NEVER see the Tonika sisters. Wayy too many issues with likeness rights and Hasbro has said any attempt in polls or the like are just useless as they cannot make them.